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Paper Manager Iris Johnson: The Truth

By Alyss Granger

Is Iris Johnson just the innocent Paper Manager that we all think she is? Do people really volunteer for the paper? Is funding the only reason to have the paper? Who is the real Iris Johnson?

Iris has been badgering people for the past two years to find staff for the paper. It is known for being a way to earn Extra Credit. But Josh Timberson, a 5th year Hufflepuff, didn’t join for Extra Credit. I interviewed him to find out how he became part of this well known paper.

“I really didn’t approach Iris. She approached me. She had been badgering me since my third year about joining and I just couldn’t take it one day so I said yes. She said I was allowed to back out at any time but she hasn’t allowed me to. She’s a real liar. Sometimes I wish I could stand up to her and tell her all these things which is why I am participating in this interview, so the truth of Iris will get out and she’ll get what has been coming to her for quite some time. I regret that I was not capable of telling this to her face but I hope that it will be much more effective in type, permanent type, where she has hurt so many people.”

Yes, people do volunteer for the paper but not many. I interviewed more ‘volunteers’ and the only real volunteers were Iris’ best friends, Daniele Yorke and Isabella Liamson.

“We loved to join! Anything for Iris! She really has done great things with this paper, you know, it’s getting bigger every year! It tells the students in all houses and years what’s up and what might even come next, it’s kind of like a heads up for them.” Isabella said. But it was how Iris Johnson’s paper was getting bigger, from her over happy badgering.

But Iris claims that this paper supports the Yule Ball. It does but not fully. It only supports about 35% of the ball, which is still in practice in memory of Cedric Diggory. So should we corrupt it with such funding such as this paper’s?

This paper plays a major role but it should be clear and filled with things students did like the Gobstones tournament, and Quidditch and where the points stand with how they got there from yesterday’s totals. Not the gossip that’s going around.

Iris focuses on gossip. And really how interesting was Teddy Lupin and my fight? It was just a normal fight except, I’m a Granger and Teddy is a metamorphmagus. Instead of interviewing for gossip do so because of a good OWL or NEWT score! Make this paper respected.

“Wow, Alyss you really got Iris good.” Tom said.

“She has been doing these things but now the teachers know.” Matt said.

“Iris is giving you the Death Glare.” Teddy said. He had loathed Iris and was quite pleased with my article.

“Ah, if looks could kill, but I need to talk to Iris before she leaves.” I said and the three boys exchanged worried glances. I left however.

“Hey, Iris, how’d you like my story?” I said matter-of-factly.

“You git, you didn’t need to destabilized me like that. The newspaper was a center for knowledge and comprehension of the comings and goings of beneficiary Hogwarts scholars. ” Iris said hoping to confuse me.

“As you are insolently ignorant of, I have hereditary my sister’s capability to comprehend that that numerous others are not capable to recognize. And I resign from this counterfeit debris.” I shot back at her.

“You should be in Ravenclaw!” One of the Ravenclaws piped up.

“And yet the sorting hat chose me for Gryffindor because I had the intuition to stop your gossip centre.” And with that I walked away from a dumfounded Iris. She just couldn’t believe a first year could get her when many seventh years could not.

“That was bloody clever.” Teddy said.

“And a more sophisticated term for that would be, ‘that was bloody sophisticated and refined.’” I said as Teddy looked shocked.

“Alyss speak English will you?” Teddy moaned.

“She is her vocabulary is just much larger than yours so when going to the Ravenclaw table and having Iris talk like that she replied in the same form it’s that simple. And she just continued after walking back here!” Tom explained patiently to Teddy who looked entirely confused.

“In short, I just showed Iris that I have a big vocab.” I said making it as simple as possible.

“Oh, good, I hate Iris.”

“I have another one that she’ll hate.” I said and Teddy nodded for me to read aloud.

The Ideal Hogwarts Paper

By Alyss Granger

I was writing my previous article and I thought you might like to know what I would picture the ideal school paper being like.

Every time there was a Quidditch match the highlights of the game would be reviewed and we would get opinions from the spectators from opposite sides to what they thought, and the team could give their input on what it felt like to be in the moment, like snatching the snitch from under the opposing seeker’s nose.

There would be the results of the Gobstones and Chess Clubs’ tournaments with the highlights of those.

People who are interested in Creatures or Herbology could write a Zoology or Plants column. We could take surveys and take a poll for what the next part of our all-student paper would include.

We would work hard to have all the houses be involved and we could have House Events. Or small areas of gossip not a full paper full, like Iris Johnson could write ‘Ravenclaw Events’ which could also include Quidditch tryout and the new Prefects and such.

We could have favorite music and I bet then the paper might even have enough influence to start a small play, or another form of entertainment, much like the Christmas plays that used to be at Hogwarts before the unfortunate Enlarged Ashwinder Incident that took place when Armando Dippet was headmaster.

If a student was having issues with a personal problem they could anonymously ask for advice. We could organize a study group for struggling students.

Everything in my ideal version of the Hogwarts Paper is for the benefit and enjoyment of all students.

“Nice Alyss, but I think you should turn that into McGonagall so you can make that into the paper. Teddy seems to have found it boring.” Teddy was yawning as Tom said that, it was only breakfast!


I understand Alyss' essay was boring but it's necessary because I think I might have Iris pop in later, and Iris isn't mean she's just gossipy and jealous and really upset.I might even show Iris' good side as we only saw her bad one. 


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