~Wearing his clothes~

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It was a normal morning awakening in Deans arms with the safety of the bunker walls comforting you from your nightmare that woke you up. Your arm grabbed Deans phone from off the nightstand and checked the time.

6:12 in the god damn morning.

You didn't want to leave him because he was so warm with his bare muscular arms and chest pressing and cradling you. You lied there in the comfort of his arms in nothing but your bra and panties since last night was 'one of those nights' ;)

Eventually you crawled out of Dean with out waking him from his relaxing slumber. He hasn't slept this well in ages with the Angels being locked out of heaven and Metatron being a huge pain in the ass.

All you could do was lovingly stare at him until you felt goose bumps growing all over your bare body. Without hesitating you slipped on one of Deans flannels.

His scent enveloping you in a state of awe as the warmth of his shirt embraced you as if Dean was hugging you right now. The sleeves continued way past your finger tips and the hem of the shirt just ending at your knees.

You skipped down the corridor of the bunker hallway passed Sam's room,he had his door creaked open and you couldn't help  but be a bit nosy and peek in. There he was sleeping soundly in his bed. Your face formed into a genuine smile of love.

You loved Sam and Dean but of course you loved Dean in different ways but you never could choose between them not ever. You might love Dean in different ways but you love him as equally as you love Sammy.

You arrived at the kitchen and began to prepare the biggest damn breakfast you could and when it was done you set the huge breakfast up out in the dining room so the boys would see it when they woke.

As you were washing the dishes you felt a pair of muscular,warm,tan,bare arms tighten around your waist.

You couldn't help but giggle as he kissed your neck. "You look so sexy in my clothes" He whispered in the hottest morning voice. Damn he made you weak in the knees.

"I bet you would look even sexier if I took it off" He whispered again as he spun you around and lifted you up in the air as he ran you back to yours and Deans room with him still holding you in the air.

You laughed the whole way there as he threw you down on the bed and crawled on top of you slowly un buttoning the shirt with him nibbling on your neck.

Morning sex it is!

Sam always wears big hoodies and you loved wearing them but never wanted to get caught wearing them just in case he didn't like it because you know he doesn't like people touching his stuff.

One morning when you were quite cold and slipped on one of his very large grey hoodies that went a little bit passed your knees and the sleeves were probably about a full half a foot passed your fingertips. You didn't noticed a smirking Sammy in the doorway of the room you both shared.

You weren't wearing any pants just his sweater that smelled so good and it was the warmest thing ever. You put your hands to your face and smelled the fabric and spun around only to be checked out by your inhumanly tall boyfriend.

"Babe uh..oh..my-I'm so sorry!" You began to apologise but he shushed you with a gentle kiss. His soft warm lips calming you as he cupped your face in his hands. When he pulled back he pressed your foreheads together lovingly and whispered.

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