Garth (Request)

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AYOOOO! This is dedicated to the lovely

Garth has just saved you from a brutal hunt and is very concerned
"Garth relax she's just unconscious! She'll be fine,we'll get to the bunker and clean her up" Dean sighed.

"Dean she's bleeding,she's bleeding! We need a rag!" Garth pleaded but Dean ignored him for the rest of the drive.

Sam was pretty banged up too,this hunt was the most difficult in a long time; pack of were wolves.
As soon as Dean parked baby Garth carried you out of the impala and rushed you inside bridal style with your short blonde hair tangling in his fingers.

Garth sets you down on your bed that you had at the bunker and he immediately starts cleaning you up; grabbing pillows for your comfort and a wet towel for the gash on your leg and some pain medication for when you wake up.

"Please be okay,please,please,please" He began to tear up as he held your hand and caressed your hair just begging to see those sparking hazel eyes of yours.

"Katie please.." His voice broke with pain as he squeezed your hand tighter and tighter, needing to hear your voice. Anything. A movement a noise, anything to tell him you were okay.

Everything hurt, but you could feel the obnoxious pain shooting up and down your leg.
You let out a groan and shifted with discomfort and blinked your eyes open.

To your surprise you saw a sleeping Garth sitting in an old chair with a slight firm grip on your hand.
It was a big yet pleasant surprise to see your good friend Garth sitting next to you, it made you feel at ease knowing that he was there right by your side always.

He twitched and his hand fell from yours.
"Katie?" His eyes shot open and looked widely around the room his eyes darting from space to space in a panic stricken manner until they finally relaxed on you.
"Katie!" He cooed and took your hand in his once more.

"Hey there Garth,thanks for knocking those ass hats out they almost got me" You let out a soft chuckle only to end up making you cough and grown in pain.
"I'll never let anyone or anything get you Katie,never" His voice tensed up and his eyes widened at your lips.

"Your lip is bleeding again,let me take care of that" Garth shot up from his spot and darted across the room in search for a damp cloth as you positioned yourself to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Chin up" He smiled at you and took his place back in the chair right in front of you.
His hand reached over and patted your bottom lip gently and delicately,washing away the blood.

"They got me pretty good" You forced another laugh. "Do I have a nice shiner there too?" You grinned and gestures towards your sore left eye.

"You don't have to do that" He hushed and continued dabbing at your lip.
"Do what?" You asked eyes narrowing even if you knew what he was getting at.
"Entertain me" Garth let his hand fall that was cleaning your lip.

"The bleeding stopped but I suggest that a princess like you should get some beauty rest" He smiled cheekily at you and kissed your forehead.

A strange spark lit up in you and it forced a blush and a smile to appear on your face. "You should smile more often,it looks cute on you" He leaned down and gave you a gentle hug as he was concerned not to harm you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
"Thank you Garth" You breathed and pulled back looking him in his eyes.
"Anytime sweet heart" He smiled and left closing the door quietly behind him.

One week later

Garth had taken care of you day in, day out. It was lovely and every night he would give you a kiss on the forehead that would make your stomach fill up with fireworks and butterflies.

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