Destiel (something I randomly thought of)

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Okay but think about Dean and Cas laying side by side naked on the bed, their chests still heaving after their very first time together. Neither of them had planned it to happen, it just... happened. At one moment they were joking around and teasing each other like they had been doing for years, and the next Dean was fucking Cas into the mattress as Cas begged him to go faster, harder. Now that they thought about it neither of them had any clue how their years of friendship had suddenly escalated to that. They weren't even drunk.
They both just stared up to the ceiling in silence until Dean cleared his throat. "So... That happened."
Castiel didn't turn to look at him. "Yeah..."
"It was–" Dean didn't know what word to use.
"Nice. Surprising but nice." Castiel filled in, finally turning to look at his best friend. Dean turned to look at him too.
"I would say amazing."
"Yeah, that's a good word to use, too." Castiel agreed. For a moment they just stared at each other in silence. They both knew that this was supposed to be awkward, like next level awkward, laying on the bed naked with one's best friend after just having spontaneous sex with said best friend. But it wasn't, at all.
"Do you wanna, maybe... Like, I don't know, do this aga–" Dean started to ask.
"Yes." Cas answered before Dean managed to finish his question. Dean blinked at him and smiled.
"Me too." Dean nodded and Cas smiled sweetly.
Neither of them knew what this meant or if it meant anything, or what would happen in the future. All they knew was that they had both just had sex with their best friend and it had felt amazing, still felt amazing five minutes later. The rest would solve itself out one way or the other.

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