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Imagine Sam just being a little cutie by kissing you all the time

H/C : Hair Colour
H/L : Hair length
E/C : Eye Colour
Y/N : Your name
Y/F/N : Your full name


You sat yourself at the men of letters table and tapped away at the key board, being exhausted from how late it was. Four cups of coffee sat empty on the table beside you, not doing any good for your desperate need for energy one bit.

It was so fucking hot in this damn bunker sometimes.You thought to yourself as you slipped off your sweater being in your really weird looking pink cupcake and unicorned covered bra and grey jogging pants.

The sweater fell to the floor beside your chair and you felt immediate relief as you let out a sigh and continued working. Who cares if anyone sees you shirtless? Sam is your boyfriend and Dean is like a brother to you. It would be no different if you were in a bikini, but then again you never ware bikinis..THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.

"Yes!" You cheered and immediately quieted yourself. You had just found the biggest lead yet!

"Baaaabyyy...." A tired voice whined from behind you.
Ignoring it you copy and pasted the article into a word document as you felt someone snake their arms around your waist and rest their head on your shoulder.

"Sam! I just found a really great lead! The bodies have a heart missing and all their blood is drained because we're dealing with another werepire!" You exclaimed as you felt Sam smile and start pressing kisses to your shoulder making you stop typing immediately.

"Come to's lonely with out you" He continued kissing you as he left a trail of kisses up your neck and down again, him resting for a few secounds at your sweet spot.

"Damn it Sam..." You breathed and adjusted your bra strap as it had fallen down slightly.

Sam smiled as he turned your chair around with barely any effort and kneeled down in front of you on both his knees. (Woah guys, no proposal here XD)

You smiled and ran a hand through your H/L H/C as you felt a blush creep up your neck and flush at your cheeks. I can't believe he was seeing me in my most embarrassing bra. You thought to yourself

"Oooooh she's embarrassed" He chuckles and cups your face in his hands and squishes your face together making you laugh and have a fishy face at the same time with your lips pushed together.

"Sam!" You squealed as you pulled his hands off your face.

He stands from his kneeling position as you stand with him and give him an evil smile. Sam catches on and starts running away with you sprinting behind him until you finally jump on his back trying to squish his face together.

"LET ME SQUISH IT!" You demand as a sleepy groaning Dean emerges from his bedroom. Sam finally collapses on to his stomach at Deans feet.
You flip Sam over and pin him down even if he could probably flip you off him in a secound.

Dean looks down at both of you puzzled as you squish Sam's face together and burst out laughing. "DEAN LOOOOOOOK!" You cackled.

"Nice unicorns Y/N" Dean mumbled and went back in his room, shutting the door behind him.

You still squished Sam's face and continued laughing until he finally pushed you off and picked you up and before you could protest for him to put you down he had already set you down in front of him.

"Bedtime" He stated as you covered your mouth yawning.

"Yes" You replied and grabbed his hand as you both began walking back to your room.

As you two reached the door to your guys's room Sam took both your hands in his and leaned down and kissed you, him bitting  your bottom lip with a smile before he released it, pulling away.

It was quiet for a moment before a dorky grin spread across his stupid face.
"Nice cupcakes" He snickered and squeezed your boob before you squealed and chased him into your room, slamming the door behind you and tackling him on the bed, kissing his neck roughly.

I have a thing for cute tired Sam...I HOPE YOU LIKED THAT SHITY SHORT PILE OF FLUFF!!! I'm terrible at writing recently and ugh it's annoying. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK MY BEAUTIFUL BITCHES OF LOVELINESS!! I love you bunches! Baiiiii, Stay Strong and Stay Gay my friends🌈👑💙💩

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