~His favourite thing about you~

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He finds it beautiful  the way you laugh,even if the world ended for the billionth time your laugh would bring him to smile.

He also loves how passionate you are about all sorts of things. Like when you're reading a book he would ask what it was about and you would just ramble on and on about everything you've been reading. He could sit there all day listening to you talk.


Your hands,he finds them the cutest thing about you. They're not small as a babies but there's been a few times when he's noticed you can't fully reach the trigger of a gun. It's his guilty pleasure watching you fumble with the gun because of your tiny delicate hands.

Sam also adores how you always know what to say,to anybody in any situation. Even when Dean turned into a damn demon you snapped him back into it with just a few sentences. When Sam is sad you know it and in a few minutes his confidence and determination is back on the rails. You're the reason these boys are still semi sane.


Castiel fell for your eyes,they shine brighter than a summer day yet glow stronger than the moon. He can read you through your eyes with out needing to read your mind. Your eyes are the key to your very thoughts and feelings and sometimes that might be a burden to you but Cas thinks it's the most beautiful thing in the universe.

The way you see the good in everyone amazes him. Someone could be a psycho killer and you would chat with them until their ear fell off. In your mind nobody is more important or better than anyone,the damn president could shove someone rudely and you would be there to tell him off.
Because you believe everyone is special and beautiful no matter what because faces don't matter it's what they are inside; Even inside the darkest craziest person, there is good.


DONE! Sorry I didn't update this in like 3 days I was busy with my Destiel fanfic because my teacher for English let's me write Fan Fiction during silent period XD He's pretty chill

Anyway that's it if you loved it there's this cute little star at the bottom that's super fun to press because it turns orange when you do press it! Also how about leaving a cutesy little note in the comment box? No? Okay...
Until next time, keep being you, my pretty pineapples,and #AlwaysKeepFighting 🍍🍍🍍

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