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This something I had posted on Tumblr and I'm proud of it even if it only got like fifty something notes but I'm going to post it here because I haven't been updating because I dropped my iPod in the toilet and typing on an android tablet sucks fucking ass so I'm gonna be slow at updating. THIS HAS DESTIEL IN IT AND I WARN YOU, IT IS ANGSTY AS FUCK X100000000
Here we go, grab the tissues. *cha cha real smooths out of the room*
We all have our theories of how Supernatural should end/how Destiel should become canon and well I made something that took a long time to write but here it is, please forgive me.

Of course they have to 'go down swinging' so imagine all of them getting ready for another epic battle, trying to save the world yet again because they messed up yet again. Everyone is in position: Crowley is at the back preparing the possible ambush just in case things go south, Rowena is not far from Crowley with her magic readied, and Dean,Cas, and Sam are all up at the front.

Side by side

They all knew this would be the end. Their chances of surviving are a million to one. Not a word was spoken...What were they suppose to say? The three of them stood there in line: Sam on the far right, Dean in the middle, then following with Cas. Dean inhaled deeply as they awaited their death.His hands twitching with fright, not for himself but for his brother and his angel.

"Dean..." Sam said turning to his older brother.

"Sam, it's okay, you can go. Please" He begged, tears glossing his eyes. The very thought of his baby brother dying at his expense again tore him apart in every way possible. It was his job to look after him. "Shoot first, ask questions later and watch out for Sammy" 

"Please, can you both go. I'm the only one who is suppose to be here. This thing wants me and if I give myself to it, it leaves. you don't need to die!" By this time Dean could barely keep it together as he stood in front of the angel and the taller younger brother.

His eyes scoured over his brother. "We are not leaving you here, if this is how it ends, we deal with it. Like we always do!" Sam tried his damnedest to reassure him. do you comfort someone who is on the verge of death? Dean heard his brother, well he heard the words just not the meaning behind them. He didn't want to. He had always been stubborn like that. Just like his father.

Finally the blue eyed man spoke up. "It's alright, Dean.It's okay" Cas soothed him as he placed an arm on his shoulder.

"But it's not..." Dean's voiced cracked and fell apart as he voiced those words, finally admitting it after all these years. After all the pain, the anguish, the torture and loss, The guilt and pressure of having the fate of the world and balance of the universe rest on your shoulders. "It never was" He said in merely a whisper as his viridescent eyes glossed over.

"It was at times, and this is one of those times." At first Dean didn't know what Cas meant until he finally let his eyes connect with the angels. That cerulean blue that captured everything. Cas viewed the world much differently than Dean. Cas saw beauty in all that existed. His eyes captured all the delicasy of the world yet he never saw the allure he had in himself. Cas was beautiful in every way, his mind was a mess yet his thoughts of others were pure.

It was truly was. It was almost over. With Cas everything usually did feel okay. The angel took hold of the mans hand and looked at the two brothers.

"After everything that has happened, everything up to this point. I am grateful for it. I am forever grateful for you both for being you and being particularly stupid to the fact that you are not invincible. Even with all our stupidity and mistakes and the sacrifices we made, it has formed us all in different ways. Dean,you grew to trust yourself more and go with what you feel is right and not always follow orders,"
Cas turned to Sam. "Sam, you grew to know that it is okay to be mentally unstable yet you have to keep fighting.That it's okay to show emotion. You both taught me freedom and I can never thank you enough" Cas paused once again as he looked to the ground, a sudden tear fell from his face.

Dean looked down at his hand tied with Cas. Their fingers laced together perfectly. "Thank you, Cas. For everything man" Sam smiled as he patted him on the back before double checking his weapons just a few feet away.

"You know I love you right?" Dean said as he held the angels hand tighter. A tear finally pushing its self from his eye and down his stubbled face.
"Of course" Cas said as both their hands were held by the others, foreheads pressed together, noses brushing slightly.

"If only I had said it earlier" Dean shook his head angrily at himself.

"I always knew" His voice alleviated him. Just the sound of the angels calming voice made him soften. If only they had more time to be in love. Their faces moved back slightly and scanned each other up and down. Both the pairs of eyes darting between the others lips and eyes.
The room was silent before a deafening ring sounded and demons started marching in.
Angel blades in hand.

No one wasted anytime to start fighting. Dean cut through dozens upon dozens with Sammy by his side and Cas watching him attentively as he slashed and killed before all the sudden when Cas' eyes lingered too long on Dean letting a demon rise up behind him and twist the blade through his heart. Dean looked over as he heard the angels cries but it was too late.

"No!" Dean called out as Cas fell, their eyes connecting one last time before the glow of angelic grace illuminated through his eyes and mouth as he dropped to the ground. Dean executed a few more monsters before noticing Sam was gone. He spun around and around trying to catch a glimpse of his brother only to see the familiar navy green jacket show itself for a moment.

Dean pushed through and fought back the overwhelming pain that made his breath catch in his throat. The demons filed out as Rowena used her magic. Dean rushed to his brothers side and held him close and tight, afraid to let go yet afraid to hold on too tight because the tighter you hold the harder it is to let go. Sam's eyes were still open as he held him and stared at him in horror.

"It's okay, you're okay. Everything is alright. Just like Cas said right?" Dean wanted to believe, oh hell he wanted to but the gut wrenching and heart ripping pain that he felt at this moment was all too much. It was overwhelmingly harsh and terrifyingly brutal because he knew this time around it was the last time. The last death, the last goodbye.

"Never let go but you have to move on" Sam whispered. "Thanks Dean, for being my big jerk of a brother" He forced a smile that hurt him and pained his body as his wound kept bleeding and wouldn't stop. "I love you" With that, Sam's eyes rolled back slightly, his body went limp and the quiet sound of his very last breath exhaled into the room.

Dean looked down at his brother, his baby brother that he was born to look out for was in his arms. Dead. Dean wasn't meant to still be alive. The monster was suppose to have taken him by now! It never did and Dean died the simplest way possible. He rose from his brothers body and looked to his side to see Cas'. He walked out of the building and opened the door to let the demons back in, he ran back to his loved ones bodies and fought, killing as many demons as he possibly could until the pain of a blade piercing into his spine shot throughout his body making him fall on to his knees. He bled to death by his brothers and lovers side. "It's alight" He breathed, the pain of his wound not even coming close to the pain he felt in his heart. Yet all started to become blurred and his eyes shut slowly, his last thoughts being..

It's the end of the road.

No more saving people, no more hunting things for the Winchesters. The family business in fact was not over. It would be carried on by other hunters who would remember the two brothers and the angel. The world and the universe would finally become balanced once again as monsters killed people and more hunters were there to hunt them. Living out the legacy of the Winchesters and the fallen angel. The story of a man who fell in love with an angel and loved his brother too much.
My Condolences, I applaud you if you actually read that

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