SamXReader (angsty)

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This one is kinda graphic. It involves talking about/short scenes of sexual abuse/rape. So if you are sensitive to that then please don't continue reading or read with caution. Love you my darling♡

"Please stop" You squeaked as the man pushed you up against the back wall behind a store.

"It's alright, just relax" He whispered,  one of his hands caressing your cheek while moving hair out of your eyes.

"If you don't stop I'll scream and I'll kick your fucking ass-"

"Now I don't think you'll be doing either of those" He snickered as he pressed a gun to your forhead.

"Please stop im beggin you! Please!" You started to cry as the man tore off your shirt, his dirty hands trailing down your neck.

"Shut up!" He whispered and cocked the gun before pointing it back at your skull. Your breaths became un-even as one of his hands jammed itself down the front of your jeans.


"Y/N!" Your eyes shot open and you couldn't stop screaming.
"Y/N it's okay!  It's me, Sam. I'm right here shhhh" Your wide eyes looked straight at him as he leaned over out from under the covers to pull you closer to him.

"Sam! It was him! It was him again!" You sobbed in his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to your forehead where a gun was once placed.

"Sweet heart,  shhh it's alright just relax" That only made you cry more.


You and Sam haven't been intimate since it happened and that was just over eight months ago. Sam wasn't really bothered by it, it seemed. You developed severe anxiety and phobias of the dark, isolated areas, alley ways, and parking garages/lots. It seemed no matter where you were you never felt safe, ever. And you hated yourself more than ever,  you hated your body that you now constantly covered up with baggy clothes, even when it was hot you refused to shed any article of clothing in fear you might see yourself. You couldn't even get dressed in front of Sam anymore.

You were so ashamed and disgusted with yourself that you hid all mirrors from yourself and sometimes would go to one of the empty rooms in the bunker with food and not come out for days. It was as if you were trying to ignore yourself and pretend that you didn't even exist.

It was mid afternoon and you all sat on the couch until you got up saying you needed the washroom and walked down the hall, passing yours and Sams room.

The standing mirror with a blanket thrown over it sitting there all quiet as you stopped and stared at it. Maybe I could..? You walked towards it, leaving the door open and gently removed the blanket from the mirror, looking down at the floor before seeing yourself as you shut your eyes tight.

"No one can hear you from back here" The mans sinister laughter was heard as he ran a hand up your thigh. A cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth. The gun was still placed at your head as you felt him unbuckle his belt, the fear inside you overwhelming as you started to squeal amd squirm.

"No! Please, please, please!! Don't do this! If you let me go I won't tell anyone!"

"Shut your fucking mouth" The dirty older man took the cigarette from his mouth and jabbed it into your side, burning a hole into you as you screamed in immense pain.  All you could think about was how this was going to happen and no one was going to save you. Not Sam, not Dean, or Cas, or anybody.  Sam and Dean and Cas thought you were just on a simple grocery shopping spree. No way they could have sensed you were grabbed into the back room of the store by a disgusting man.

You opened your eyes but once you made eye contact with yourself in the mirror you turned your back to it and knelt down on to your knees, grabbing the nearest pillow and sobbing into it.

"Make it all go away, please!" You screamed. "Sam!!! Sam!!!" You cried out and the sound of thumping rapid foosteps were heard as Sam ran down the hallway calling out your name. All you could do was cry into the pillow, your back facing the mirror. Soon enough you felt the familiar warmth of Sams arms around you and kissing the top of your head.

"Cover it up!" You racked out a sob and gestured to the mirror without taking your head out of the pillow.

"Dean" Sam said and you heard down shuffle over to the mirror.

"Babe it's okay now, the blanket is over it" He rocked you as you lifted your head to look Sam in the eyes.

"I'm getting Cas" Dean walked out of the room.

"He never leaves, he's always there" You narrowed your eyes and sobbed once more before hugging Sam so tightly.

"You're safe here,  I want you to know that." He kissed your cheek and held your waist in a loving way. "Hey, look at me" He tilted your head up gently with his finger beneath your chin. "I love you so much, you're so beautiful and I could never even imagine having anyone better in my life than you y/n. You inspire me and keep me on my feet." He smiled and ever so brightly as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 

The feeling you had when he first did that eight years ago came back.  All the butterflies and the feeling of safety came over you and even a flicker of beauty.  He pulled away as he held your face in his hands.

"I love you so much Sam, for a small moment there I actually felt..beautiful" You whispered as a smile appeared on yoir face for the first time in a long while.

"Y/N..." He smiled as he traced a soft trail down your neck. "I'm so proud of you" That made your smile bigger as you un-tangled yourself from him ad walked towards the door, shutting it and locking it before turning back around with a nervous smile.

"Y/N we don't have to if you're not ready" Sam stood and walked towards you.

"No it's fine, I want to" You smiled as you went closer to him, letting your hands run up his front.

"Are you sure?" Dammit Sam.

"Yes, I love you" You said as Sam let his hands rest on your hips while he picked you up in his arms and gently laid you on the bed.

That's it for now! Ya'll want a part two? Just comment and I'll write it

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