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Your sleep was still and peaceful,the air in the room completely quiet, the dust sat patiently on the few amounts of furniture in the room.

Suddenly a low growl and cry erupted throughout the bunker. It portrayed sudden anger and shock.

Definitely Dean.

You leaped out of bed and walked zombie like down the corridor.
"Sam,Deans having a hissy fit!" You groaned and made your way to the bathroom door where you had heard Deans whining from.
"Dean" You mumbled tiredly and irritated he woke you, pounding your fist against the door.

"Y/N! DO NOT COME IN HERE I SWEAR TO GOD!" He boomed, but his voice sounded different you chose to ignore it and you leaned up against the wall waiting for him to come out.

"Y/N,something has happened" An unfamiliar voice said from beside you.
You turn your head to the left and see a girl who was very slim with blue tie,white dress shirt,black shorts with burgundy panty hoes and black heels.

"C-Cas is that you?!" You squealed in excitement as you noticed he was no longer the male Cas, he had boobs and a uterus. He didn't have long hair it was still cute black and messy and short like it always was.

"Dean! Dude you've gotta see this! Cas is a girl and since you claim you're a heterosexual you can both love each other now!" You laughed and laughed and laughed until Dean finally opened the door only it wasn't entirely Dean.

He was a woman too now.

"Oh my fucki-" You began but Dean covered your mouth with his hand that had once been big and rough now was lucky to reach the trigger of a gun.

He still had his green eyes but again like Cas his hair was still short although it really wasn't going up in the front, it was kinda like Cas's but still Deans normal hair colour.

Dean wore a black skirt with a long red plaid with black combat boots.
"Where's Sam?" Cas asked,his voice was very cute you kinda wished your voice sounded that cute.

"Sam!" I shouted and began running down to his room,bursting in the door.
Sam stood there in front of the mirror,mouth gaped open slightly, his regular long hair had grown down to his ass.

He wore jean shorts and a black tank top it outlining the new curves he had been given by some hilarious God overnight.

"We need to fix this" Sam's voice was just a very casual girl voice, again wished your voice was like that.

They all stood and checked each other out. "Sam I think you've gotta the biggest jugs so far" Dean said with a serious face making Sam even more irritated.

All there faces had changed to look more feminine. Cas's eyes were so big and blue, his stubble was gone, his skin was clear, and his head was shaped more circular.

Dean had the strongest cheek bones now and Sam had the boobs. But with Cas his eyes were so big and pretty like holy fuck.

"This is a witches doing" Cas stated and Dean gave him the look of sarcasm saying 'No fucking way! A witch?"'

Cas looked confused and Sam slapped Deans shoulder telling him to be nice.

"Now let's get reading boy- oh I'm sorry, I mean girls!" You teased.

You all are in the impala,you sitting in the back with Cas and as usual Dean the driver with Sam taking shot gun.
"Dean why can't we just stay home? We need to find this witch" Sam grumbled slumping down into his seat trying to cover his boobs with his jacket.

"Sammy we have no leads on who the hell this witch is so we can't just quit the business when you grow a uterus!" Dean growled and pulled into the driveway of a vic house.

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