~What he says about you~

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The following are what he says about you to the boys.


"Hey check out that beauty" Dean smirked and gave you the silent How you doin'?  From the other side of the bar, you smiled at him and continued wiping down tables.
"Well go get her" Sam chuckled and sipped at his beer.
"I-I am!" Dean stammered, eyes darting between you and Sam.
Dean sat there silently, tapping his foot and scratching the back of his neck.

"This is what 'stalling' is, right Sam?" Cas asked with curiosity.
"Yep, isn't that right Dean?" Sam taunted.
"Shut it, if you're so cocky you go get her!" Dean snapped angrily as Sam shifted in his seat.

"Maybe I will" He replied mockingly with an evil grin plastered on his face.
"No! I will!" Dean shot up and jogged over to you.

Cas leaned in towards Sam who still smiled wickedly as his eyes followed Dean and you exiting the bar.
"You weren't truly going to go were you?" He asked.
"Nah, I knew Dean would step in. Im the birth mother of this relationship with that waitress" Sam smiled and continued sipping his drink.


Dean and Sam, along with Cas stood awkwardly ten feet away from you where you were typing,reading, and writing notes about lore as they pretended to have a conversation.

"Will you three jack asses quit acting like 5 year old girls spying on the cute boy in class and tell me what you're doing" You said calmly not taking your eyes off your monitor.
"Oh uh We were discussing about how Sam secretly likes yo-" Cas's words were cut off by a thud and him groaning and holding his stomach in pain. Sam shushed him quickly as Dean searched his tongue for words only but to find himself stuttering.

"That sounds very interesting" You sassed.
"We were just wondering if you wanted anything at the store" Sam smiled nervously.
Your head looked up from the monitor and smiled cheekily.
"Cookies,you know what kind" You winked and looked back at your screen.
Sam's knees shook at that gesture as he grabbed the stuttering Dean and groaning Cas's collars and hauled them out the door, slamming it behind him.

In the car
"Dammit Cas! You almost blurted out my deepest darkest secret!" Sam shouted at the innocent angel in the back seat.
"My apologies Sam...but don't you think you should tell her-"
"No! It hasn't been that long" Sam protested.
"Dude,it's been 13 years it's not a little crush anymore" Dean said glancing at Sam but keeping his eyes on the road.

"I can't tell her Dean..If she doesn't like me back our friendship is gone!" He shouted leaning his head back,eyes drilling holes into the roof of the impala.

"She's is the smartest person ever and is constantly concentrated on books and lore websites she won't care about me" Sam grumbled.

Deans was astonished Sam had literally just mouthed those words.
"Dude!! You're both the dorks of the bunker except for Cas,he just looks like a dork!"
"What?" Cas interrupted but Dean ignored him and kept going.

"You both never stop reading or talking about lore as if it's your child!! She's probably thinking the same thing because you two are basically twins lemme give an example," He paused slightly to find a good example.

"What's your favourite animal?" Dean asked.
"Giraffe" Sam replied earning a confused glance from Cas.
"I thought it was a moose" Cas added but again was ignored.

"What's her favourite animal?"
"Giraf- okay Dean that's just a coincidence" Sam chuckled and shook his head looking out the window.

"No it's not, what is your least favourite food?"
"That nasty burger you get with all the different kinds of meat ugh" Sam shivered and Dean shot him a glare.

"And I know she loves it just as much as you do so-" Dean began but was cut off.
"Dean sto-"

"Didn't Y/N ask Sam to get cookies?" Cas interrupted.
"Yeah chocolate chip with white chocolate and milk chocolate" Sam blurted out his eyes staring straight ahead at the road.

Dean pulled the car over and looked Sam straight in the eye.
"She never told you what kind so you know what kind she likes! And she winked at you!! That's her telling you that she's knows you know everything about her and she knows everything about you! Sam quit being a dumb ass and ask her out before it's too late and she gets tired of waiting!" Dean boomed and Sam nodded in nervousness then his face turned I to nothing but determination.


Dean nailed his foot into the gas pedal and with the squeal of the tires and the roar of the engine they were off on a hunt,for cookies.


Cas had been staring at you reading lore for the passed half an hour although you didn't notice at all; it was Sam and Dean who were teasing him about it.

"Cassie's got a crushy wushy" Sam poked Cas's shoulder repeatedly until he broke his gaze to stare Sam right in the eyes.

"You like her don't you?" Dean smiled excitedly.
"Angels d-don't have any romantic emotions or feelings towards humans" Cas added in all seriousness but everyone knew he couldn't lie.

"Cas you have been staring at her flipping through pages of an old dusty book and you're telling us you don't have feelings for her?" Sam scoffed.

"But the way she does it is so delicate and beautiful" Cas said his eyes ending up on you again,he smiled and Sam and Dean looked at each other with the 'are you fucking serious?' face.

Dean cleared his throat and Cas turned back around.
"Okay...I do like her" He mumbled and rested his head in his hands on the table in shame.

"We knew it" Dean snickered and high fives Sam.


Ughhhhh that was terrible I'm so sorry.
But if you're weird and liked it you can tell me why below because I honestly would have no ducking clue since this was a pile of poo.

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