♡ Life♡ SamXReader

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You sat in a calm, relaxed mood on the couch with Sam, him caressing your baby bumb. The baby was due any week now since you were just a tad overdue. You wore a tight black t-shirt that had been cut just under your boobs to leave more room for your stomach. It was very big and your belly button was pushing out, veins and ugly purple stretch marks showed on the sides of your 'baby bubble' as Sam liked to call it.

Cas, Charlie, Dean, Gabriel, Lucifer, Balthazar, Crowley, and Kevin along with his mother were all there in the living room with you and Sam.
All your gazes were locked to the TV screen resembling hypnotized zombies until you felt a small gentle movement in your belly.

Sam's hand that still caressed your stomach felt it and he smiled at you lovingly as he placed a kiss on your baby bubble and your lips.
Time passed and the baby hadn't stopped their tiny kicks and movements for over 15 minutes now.

"Tell junior to keep it down in there I can hear em' from here" Dean flashed a smile and took a long gulp of his beer.
More minutes passed and the most sudden pain shot around in your abdomen making you wince. Sam shut off the TV and turned to you.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked very worried but he knew what was happening when he saw the couch cushion darken with wetness from your water breaking.

"AGHH!" You squealed and gripped the fabric of the couch so tightly it tore off, it being immediately squeezed into the palm of your sweaty hand.

Everyone now stared at you very unsure of what to do besides Mrs . Tran.
"Oh for gods sake, you're a bunch of brain dead jack asses!" She shouted and shot up from her seat, rushing to you smiling. "Its time Y/N but don't worry I've gone through the same thing," She paused and looked at Sam.
"Come on help me get her to a bed!"

Sam snapped out of his daze and processed that he was goig to be a father. Sam and Mrs. Tran held you up as you whined in pain as a contraction hit causing you to trip but kept a-foot by your family.

"Easy there darling" Balthazar said softly, calming you just enough to make it to the bed safely.
They set you down on your back as everyone rushed around for towels, water, blankets, pillows, doctor instruments, anything to help keep you as comfortble as possible.

Lucifer held one of your hands as Mrs.Tran held the other, Sam being the doctor.
"AUGHHHH!!" You groaned as another contraction hit you, making it feel as if someone were stabbing you repeatedly in the gut.
"It's alright, I'm sure it will be worth every bit in the end" Lucifer squeezed your hand with you squeezing back only ten times tighter.

"Okay y/n,sweetheart you're going to need to push soon be  prepared since Sam here is worrying enough for the both of you" Crowley warned as he set a towel down where the baby would pop out unto.

Sam's face was both painted with excitement but mostly fear and you did not want him worrying.

"Sam it's gonna be fine" You said sweetly before another huge contraction attacked you.
You screamed the loudest you ever have making you squeeze the life out of poor Mrs. Trans hand.

She knew not to tell you to calm down because she's be in this situation before.
"Y/N everything is going to be fine just breath and when Sam gives you the sign you push as if getting this baby out as soon as possible will save the world for the thousandth time" Dean muttered the last part clearly not knowing how to console a woman in labour but even if he didn't know it,it helped.

Sam gives you a big smile and you knew it was time. "Come on you got this princess,push!" He shouted and you put every last bit of strength into that push that you could feel the baby moving although every little push the more pain you felt since this was a natural birth.

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