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Imagine Dean and you decorating the christmas tree together


"Dean! Stop it I'm trying to do something very important!" You giggled.
"I think im much more important to do than this tree" He whispered and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your ear.
"Baby, tomorrow is christmas I have to get this done" You shook your head grinning and placed one of the few bulbs you had collected over the years on a naked branch.  Dean continued to tease you but you were going to show him Y/F/N does not break that easily.

"Playing hard to get? I like it" He whispered, his breath traveling across your skin.
This is so much easier said than done.

Your hand shook slightly as you placed  another ornament on a spare branch.
His soft fingers gently brushed your skin as he moved your hair out of the way leaving room for his lips to place a kiss on your bare shoulder.  This made you gasp softly as you were very sensitive there.

You regretted removing your sweater earlier because now you were completely vulnerable in your tank top to Deans needs.
"I knew you'd like that" He smirked seductively as he gently turned you around to face him.

It was best to avoid eye contact or staring of any kind beause if you took one deadly glance into those big lustful green eyes of his it would be all over- too late.

His eyes stared deeply into yours as his pupils dilated almost covering the forest in his eyes completely.  You kept staring at his pink lips, the urge to pounce on him an let him kiss you all over grew stronger and harder to ignore at every glance. And eventually it took over.

"Dammit, Sam can do it" You growled and cupped his face and kissed him as passionately and lovingly as possible.  A moaned escaped Deans lips as you kissed his neck roughly,  leaving a red mark that would turn purple later on.

"You're so hot I can barely contain myself" He moaned and picked you up, running to the bedroom making you giggle as Sam walked in, groceries in hand.


Short but I dont find im good at Dean imagines.  I HOPED YOU ENJOYED! More will be up soon and sorry for the late christmas special XD

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