The end of the road

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Guys...I'm gonna be honest with ya. I know this was one of my first books and it's kimda popular with the 3k + people that have/are reading it. Just right now I've lost interest in writting these imagines. So this is the end of the book. If I have an idea that I really want to post I might post it but dont expect updates. Sorry guys, bye for now.

I got two other books and they're full on gayness of Destiel and Sabriel. Go check em' out if you want!

Thanks to everyone that requested something or commented, read, favourited, shared, or even just put it in their library/reading list.

Thanks so much for the support in this book, it's the first book I've ever actually 'let go of' so this is kida sad.

Thank you all so much, see you then♡

Twist and Shout refrence intended. (Please spare my life)

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