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You and Cas are classmates; barely ever speak to each other, Yet you both have huge crushes on each other. And he sees you walking home from school in the rain he picks you up.


Your POV

"Fuck.." You mumbled to yourself as you pulled your dark blue hood over your head. It's piss pouring rain..again.

"Bye shit head" Dean smiled as he hit your arm, walking passed you out the doors.

"Wait Dean!" Dean turned around putting his phone back into his pocket. Who was he texting?


"You're my neighbour and if you're truly my best friend could you give me a drive?" You begged and Dean shot you an evil grin as Sam came up and stood beside you.

"Don't worry you'll get a drive, and you'll have lots of fun!" And with that he left.

"I GUESS WE'RE NOT BESTIES ANYMORE!" You called out and a distant 'Love you!' Was heard which made you smile.

"What the hell was that supposed to mean???" You asked the smirking Sammy.

"I wouldn't have a single clue, see you later dork" Sam answered in a very suspicious tone.

"Is there some joke I'm not getting here!?" You called out but all he did was wave as you saw him hop into the impala and drive off with Dean.

"Dicks..." You grumbled and walked outside, immediately being drenched by the hard downpour of water.

How the hell could you drive in this anyway? I can barely see!

Your dark blue plain hoodie was soaked along with your pants and basically everything. As you continued walking down the street it started to get windy and you hugged yourself with your back pack on your back, it hitting your ass every time you took a step which has always been fucking annoying.

Wait wh-? You could have sworn you just saw the impala. Whatever.

Earlier that day- Sam, Dean, and Cas POV

"And when we see her walking down that street I'll text you and you can start driving and pick her up" Sam said as they all stood around Cas' locker.

"And if she doesn't get in then flirt" Dean said both his hands on Cas' shoulders.

"But I don't know how to flirt" Cas began to panic about how easy this whole plan could fuck up.

"Listen, Sam and I have known Y/N ever since we were babies, we know when she has a crush on someone and you my friend are in luck because she likes you" Dean smiled letting go of Cas.

"And Cas, with the flirting thing, be really mushy gushy Y/N is a complete dork with that kind of stuff" Sam said and Cas smiled nervously.

"There she is! Cas go out that door" Dean said and waved at him, signalling him to go. Sam gave him a thumbs up as Cas left through the side door.

Dean saw her put her hood up and begin to walk out before running up to her to punch her on the arm playfully.

Present time, Your POV

As you kept walking a car pulled up beside you and rolled down its passenger window.


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