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This one is kind of just random fluff, Just imagine Sam and Dean bossing you around too much and Cas sticks up for you then there's some angst but not heart breaking so don't worry it won't be all like. "Everything was happy then an asteroid fell on the bunker and killed everyone but Cas, now he will mourn for the rest of eternity" So DON'T WORRY MY LOVELIES. I just wanted to clarify since I practically run from all angst fics/imagines because I'm all about that fluff life.

"Hey Y/N could you make a coffee run? Sam and I are gonna do some research" Dean asked, him and Sam never peeling their eyes from their laptop screens.

"Sure" You sighed as you threw on a hoodie and your shoes, slipped a weapon into your pocket and grabbed your purse as you walked out the door, Dean throwing you the keys to baby.

Once you pulled into the parking lot of the seven eleven it had already started to down pour . You groaned as you snagged the keys out of the ignition and jogged inside the tiny store.
The cashier eyed you up and down as your slightly wetted hair dripped droplets of water on to your face and off your nose.

"One large double double, and one large with 2 cream" You stated as you slapped a few crumpled dollar bills on the counter. The boy behind the register turned around,completed your order and took the bills and places them in the register with a ding. He handed you your change and your coffee order in a tray as you thanked him and left.

The rain outside became harder and it was how pitch black outside with only few streetlights lighting the way of the sketchy highway.
As you began to make your way to the impala you saw that it wasn't where you had parked it.

Although the familiar license plate was found at your feet as you saw baby being driven away with most likely drunken idiots inside.
"Son of a bitch!" You shouted and began sprinting after the car. The car slowed and you abruptly ended your quick pace making the coffee that you had just bought spill all over your front. The steaming hot liquid slightly burning your neck.

Before they could get away you pulled out your gun that was stuck in your belt and pointed it at the drivers seat.

"Out,now! You disgusting drunks! Or you'll be pissing out gun powder and shitting out casings!" You growled and the guys laughed until one stuck their head out assuming you were bluffing only to be met with the metallic barrel of your gun brushing against the tip of his nose.

"Oh fuck..." He said and soon enough his friends were piling out of baby as you shot a round in the air to scare them all off. Most of them fell due to their intoxicated state.

You slid in with a smug smile on your face and started making your way down the road back to the safe bunker with the three most important people in your life.

After five minutes of driving the engine started to smoke and you cussed and cussed and cussed as you pulled to the side of the road in complete darkness.
"Holy fucking hell" You grumbled as you slipped out of the drivers seat and turned on a small flashlight and holding it in between your teeth, allowing it to shine where ever your head moved to. The rain wasn't helping you a whole lot here since it made your sweater feel very heavy and it weighed you down so you slipped it off showing your black tank top and threw it in the back seat.

The slight crunch of gravel sounded from underneath your stomps as you marched to the back of the impala and opened the trunk, pulling out tools to fix the engine.

You stomped your way back up to the front of baby to twist a few bolts and tighten a few wires. Before you knew it baby was good as new!  It took just 20 minutes.

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