~Bedtime~ Sam

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You and Sam were at a gas n' sip in the middle of the night because Dean needed beer and like 15 pies. "I swear he's like a teenage girl on her period" You mumbled chuckling a bit.

Sam laughed and that made you smile. You two walked through the small aisles together; searching quietly for Deans favourite kind of pie to come out of hiding.

"Ah! There it is!" You exclaimed and packed three of the same kind of pie into the basket you had that was filled with beer,rabbit food, and now pie.

Sam ruffled your hair as he walked passed you,grabbing the basket out of your hand and started loading stuff onto the counter.

Sam went to go use the washroom and left you standing there awkwardly with the cashier that wouldn't stop staring at you.

You felt like there was something on your face so you took your sleeve and started patting and wiping at your makeup less face. That anxious part of you wanted nothing more but for this guy to just hurry up and scan the shit so you and Sam could leave.

"A girl like you shouldn't be with a guy like him" The dude behind the counter said in a half hushed tone.
A twinge of anger bubbled inside of you as you calmly ignored him and passed him the money.

"Come on doll,don't ignore me,I could do way more than that lumberjack." The guy scoffed and you had enough. "I'm sorry but I think that lumber jack over there is better than you in every way and I'm sorry but I don't think I'de want to do anything with an obnoxious, nothing but horny and hormonal fetus teenager like you" You smiled wickedly and Sam came up behind you.

"Ready to go babe?" He asked sweetly and you nodded as he wrapped one arm around your waist with the other holding the groceries.

The cashier stood there frustrated and jealous as you two left the store and piled into the impala.

"Hey bitch face we got your pie!" You shouted as Sam entered the bunker and hung up the keys to the impala.
The booming sound of a hungry wild Dean stampeding down the hallway filled the your ears as you say yourself down at one of the tables.

Dean appeared and Sam tossed him a pie and a beer. Dean caught both and plopped down beside you on one of the wooden chairs.

Sam came up beside you and held your head as he kissed the top of it softly.

"I'm going to bed" He said in a tired voice. "I'll be there soon" You answered letting his hand drag down your back as he walked away.

"Thanks for the pie y/n,want some?" Dean asked beaming at you.

"Nah,it's all yours" You chuckled and stood from where you sat. "You should go to bed after your done of that Dean" You warned,the motherly side of you coming out just a bit.

"Yes mame" He replied in a muffled voice due to his mouth being stuffed with pie.

You collected all the dirty dishes lying around the bunker and threw them into some warm soapy water and scrubbed them all clean. You set them on a dish towel on the counter,letting them dry because you were too tired and lazy to put them away.

You walked out of the kitchen to find Deans garbage left in the table and him gone to bed probably.

A sigh escaped your mouth as you threw out his trash and quickly washed the fork he used and put it with the other drying dishes.

The bunker grew quiet and peaceful as you made your way to yours and Sam's room.

Your arm pushed the door opened quietly to find Sam sitting on the edge of the bed,his head in his hands.

"Sam? Babe what's wrong?" You hurried to his side and sat in the edge of the bed with him. You tucked stray hairs behind his ears and he lifted his head to look at you.

"How are we gonna get all these Angels back into heaven? There's no lore about it and the Angel tablet is missing,Metatron won't talk and nobo-"

"Sam," You began,cutting him off. "It won't be easy,nothing we ever do is easy but we always find a way and I know we will find one,but right now is not the time to worry about it because you're exhausted" You kissed his cheek lovingly and he smiled.

"I love you Sam Winchester" You smiled brightly and combed your fingers through his hair. "And I love you Y/F/N"

"How about we go to sleep now and save the world tomorrow,okay?" You said and Sam nodded as you stood from the bed and walked over to your open closet.

You slipped off your jeans and socks and took off your flannel and jacket,not caring if he watched you which you knew he was. Your eyes scanned the clothes that hung there and you grabbed a pale blue t-shirt that went to your knees.

After you spin around seeing a smirking Sam lying in the bed you blushed and clicked off the lamp;crawling into bed over Sam's legs.

You snuggled under the covers with him and cuddled into his chest. You looked up at him and he pressed his lips to yours moving softly then pulling away.

"Good night babe" He whispered kissing your ear. "Night samskwatch" You chuckled.

THIS WAS AN ABOMINATION! I know it's terrible but it's 1am on a Sunday before school so yeah it's gonna be bad. Anyway that's it if you loved it there's this cute little star at the bottom that's super fun to press because it turns orange when you do press it! Also how about leaving a cutesy little note in the comment box? No? Okay...
Until next time, keep being you, my pretty pineapples,and #AlwaysKeepFighting 🍍🍍🍍

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