Destiel one shot

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"Dean,it's snowing outside" Cas whispered into Deans ear as he slept.
"Snowing?" Dean awoke from his slumber and sat up in his and Cas' bed to find an adorable excited Cas with a cute hat that had a perky Pom Pom and a blue scarf that matched his tie.

"You're going outside?" Dean groaned in his sexy sleepy voice Cas swooned over. Dean rubbed his eyes and and looked into Cas' twilight blue eyes.

"Come with me" Cas smiled grabbing Deans hand.
"Let's not wake Sammy though" Dean stood from the bed and quietly put on his shoes and jacket and looked back at Sam that was sound asleep in his bed.

Dean and Cas quietly opened the door and slipped out shutting it behind them with a click.
The snowflakes descended from the star filled Christmas Eve sky gracefully. Cas wandered over under a street lamp and looked up at the sky. Dean followed and held Castiels icy cold hand with his. "Dean" Cas smiled and continued looking up at the sky,the light from the post made his eyes so bright and blue it warmed Dean up and made him blush. Cas ran still holding Deans hand and rushed over to a pile of snow. While Cas gushed over the beauty of the cold fluffy snow Dean picked up a hand full and shaped it into a ball.

Dean sneakily threw it at Cas' ass making him spin right around to find a snickering Dean.

"What?" Dean couldn't contain his giggles.

"Alright then" Cas said taking this as a challenge. He formed his own snow ball with his hands and threw it at Deans chest.

"Hey!" Dean pouted and charged at Cas with an evil grin. Cas turned around and started to run away. They ran through the snow soaking their shoes and drenching their clothes. "Gotcha!" Dean shouted with victory as he launched himself forward and collapsed on top of Cas.

They stayed like that for a minutes just staring at eachother faces. "Dean your eyes,they're so green" Cas smiled his adorable cheeks turning red from the cold. "You're too adorable Cas" Dean said kissing Cas's face with his warm lips. Dean pulled back to stare at his lover, the light shinning on his face portraying all his features.
Dark blue eyes that hold secrets and thoughts deeper and darker than the mysterious sea, Skin so soft and gentle like silk, lips pink and plump always ready to kiss.

All Dean was able to do was smile at him, feeling the happiest he's ever felt in a very long time. Cas looked simply angelic even if he was an angel through Deans eyes Castiel was not just an 'Angel' or a 'soldier' he was passionate about humanity and life, he was kind to all those who cross his path, he adored his family even if they were now chaotic and violent and some even hated Cas yet he loved them unconditionally.

Cas was beautiful, simply beautiful in every way imaginable. Dean beamed down at Cas again and then continued peppering Cas' face with loving kisses and then planting a kiss on his rosy cheek. Dean paused slightly, trying to tease Cas and then went on repeatedly kissing Cas all over his adorable face.
"Dean!" Cas giggled as Deans lips kissed him all over his face.

Cas rolled them over in the fluffy snow to make him now in control on top of Dean. Cas took Deans hands and held them tightly to warm them up. He held them up to his lips and kissed them. Dean blushed and smiled a smile whiter than the snow that soaked their clothing and fell from the sky.

"Cas" Dean said making his green eyes stare into his blue ones. Dean couldn't hold back anymore he grabbed Cas's scarf and gently pulled him down towards his face. They touched lips and immediately started kissing, lips parting and brushing together only to crash together once more like placing the last piece of a puzzle.

"You're going to get hyperthermia if you stay out here any longer!" A voice called out with a laugh. They both pulled back and smiled as they saw Sam walking towards them. They stood up and looked back eachother with grins on their faces.

Cas jumped back on Dean and kissed him repeatedly all over his face. Sam's laughter was heard off in the distance "Merry Christmas guys" Sam chuckled and turned back around to head inside.
Cas pulled away and looked at Dena with a cheerful smile. "Merry Christmas Dean" He kissed his nose softly.
"Merry Christmas Cas" Dean pulled him back down and pressed their lips together immediately melting the snowflakes that landed on them.

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