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OKAY LISTEN UP! This is gonna be the most cliché pile of shit you've ever read,BUT! I think you'll like it anyway. ;)

Imagine you being the nerdiest nerd to ever nerd at your school and Dean is the high school jock and when you two meet up at the park for tutoring it turns into the start of your friendship.

NOW LEGGO WITH DA CUTENESS!! *runs around banging pots and pans together*
H/C: Hair colour
H/L: Hair length
E/C: Eye colour
Y/N: Your name
Y/F/N: Your full name
Your POV (Point Of View)

I am the biggest nerd at my school, it was kinda sad since i have no friends but who gives a fuck? I have a ton on Tumblr!

I didn't parade my nerdyness everywhere, I more so liked blending in even if everyone knew i wasn't like them. My everyday wardrobe included a dark blue sweater with black jeans, my glasses, and a plain old pair of shoes from Walmart that were on sale.
The sweater

'This period better be almost fucking over' i thought to myself as i looked up from my book to check the time

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'This period better be almost fucking over' i thought to myself as i looked up from my book to check the time.
Just two more minutes and I could finally go home.

As I began to bow my head back down to my book my eyes caught on to the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen. The one and only Dean Winchester. His brother was pretty hot too apparently, according to the other girls that could never stop talking about them.

But who could blame them?? Dean had the biggest and brightest green eyes that have ever existed, the plumpest pinkest lips, such smooth and tan looking skin that anyone would die just to touch.

But Dean was a lie, he was like those books at the book store that have a beautiful cover but once you read a few pages it's shit, complete shit.

Dean Winchester was a fucking jerk.

He cheats on all his girlfriends, sleeps with every girl in our school except me since I don't exist which I'm completely fine with. I'm just here to pass and go to college!

He seems all charming and perfect from him being the most popular boy in school, jock, schools football star quarter back, and probably the hottest guy to ever exist. But I can see through that perfect image of his and he's everything but perfect in the inside, you could even say he's ugly on the inside.

The bell rang and everyone left the room as I struggled to get all my shit packed up. A chuckle came from across the room and it was none other than Dean. 'What the hell was he waiting around for?'
I shot him a glare and packed all my stuff up and bolted for the door until the teacher stopped me.

"Y/N..hold on there" The teacher called out and I sighed irritated and turned around.

Dean was standing right by the teachers desk with that same old smug smirk plastered on his dumbly beautiful face. The teacher gestures for me to come over to his desk and I walk over trying my best to contain my annoyed expression.

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