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Imagine after Castiel turns human you give him his first really drink.

"Sam,I don't think he needs a baby sitter why can't we just both go with you?" You whined as if you were a child begging for candy at the grocery store.

"He's acting strange and he acts happier around you so make him a happy Ang- uh guy." Dean coughed and they both ran out the door before you could protest further.

Cas sat in one of the old yet steady men of letters chairs at a table. "I don't understand, y/n..." He began and you walked over to him as he started flicking the lamp on and off. "Why do these glow?" He asked and you chuckled as you pulled up a chair and smiled at him.

"Something about positive and negative charges I'm not really sure,I didn't go to school a lot" You shrugged and you both just sat there. "Why do we always get left behind?" You questioned as you leaned your head on one of your hands.

"I assume it's because I'm useless human and apparently I can't take care of myself."
"Is that what Dean said?" You asked angry they would say something like that to him. He simply nodded and you rose from your chair.

You kneeled down and hugged the ex Angel gently yet full of reassurance and love. "Cas,you are not useless,you hear me? And how do they know if you can't take care of yourself? They're gone all the time" You said full of confidence hoping he will believe you.

"Y/N, I'm not sure what I'm feeling but thank you" He whispered as he awkwardly let his arms wrap around you.

He was warm and you pulled back and stares at him straight in his blue eyes that were darker than the ocean itself.

"You know what? You are going to drink with me because this is a drinking situation" He stood with you as you marched into the kitchen and jogged right back in with Deans good scotch in hand.

"Is that alcohol?" He asked pointing to it; curiosity painted on his face.

"Yes,and Dean will regret leaving us here with his good scotch" You smirked and pushed him into a chair playfully.

You plopped down in front of him in a chair. You sat directly in front of him knee to knee. "Y/N what are you doing?" He questioned swallowing nervously as you poured two little glasses.

"Now what you do is you just pick it up and drink" You said making an example as you delicately lifted the glass to your lips and took a small sip,with out breaking eye contact with Cas.

"Now you try" You said gesturing to the glass that sat patiently in front of him.

His eyes were filled with fear as his shaky hand gripped the tiny glass. He lifted it in front of his face examining it then swallowing the whole glass at once.

He coughed a few times but you were impressed. "Wow,you're pretty good at this!" You exclaimed and downed the rest of your glass and refilled both your glasses as you and Cas talked and talked and talked for hours until you two were completely wasted.

"Cassssiiieeee!" You shouted wondering where he went. "I'm right here!" He replied waving a hand in front of your drunk face as he still sat in his place in front of you.

"Y/N do you prefer cats or hamsters?" He asks stirring his finger in his full glass.

"I like hats because hamsters and cats are both equally adorable to me" You giggled and began to take off your sweater but couldn't seem to get it over your head since you got your arms stuck.

"Never fear,Cas is here!" He shouted and ran to your side and lifted the sweater off you. You wore a black tank top with jeans and black laced up boots.

"Aaahhhh! THE LIGHT!" You hissed and guarded your eyes. "Y/N LOOK IM A GHOST!" You uncovered your eyes to see Cas running around with his trench coat over his head.

Suddenly the door opened and Sam and Dean were standing there. Dean looked horrified but Sam was dying.

"CAS RUN IT'S TE GHOST BUSTERS!" You screamed and ran to Cas aide. "What where!?" He yelled innocently as he turned in circles in able to see.

"Come on or they will catch you!" You took his hand and started running only to trip on the first two steps towards Sam and Dean. Cas's foot caught on to yours making him topple on to your back. His trench coat and blazer fell off on the floor beside you two revealing his messy lurid hair.

"Dude they're drunk" Sam laughed and stepped over you two.

"THEY DRANK MY SCOTCH!" Dean screeched jogging to Sam as they went into the kitchen where you heard Deans mumbles and Sam chuckles.

You turned over to face Cas that was staring down at you as you laid on the floor. "You're a hat because hamsters and cats are cute,I'm gonna keep you" You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well if I'm a hat than you're campster,because hat was already taken" He smirked drunkly as henpecked your lips softly.

"DAMN IT CAS! Look at you getting busy and I'm sitting here with an empty bottle of scotch!" Dean shouted but you both ignored him and continued to kiss passionately as he stomped away.

SHITY BUT THERE IT IS! I unpublished this because I was very busy and wouldn't be able to continue this book but I think I can do it! Sorry for Thai bad imagine the next one will be better!❤️

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