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Copyright notice:

before i start i would like to state that i own all characters, ideas such as plot and story line and if this was to be copied then i will certainly not be happy so please have the decencey to not copy this and steal my idea


“ Miss McLane, your due on set in 5.” The director’s assistant called from the door of my dressing room.

“ Thank you I’ll be there in 3.” I called back.

I sighed and looked in the vanity in front of me, things had changed for me allot since I was a teenager, I married young at 19 and became big, living my dream as an actress but it wasn’t all glitz and glamour as most would think. It was demanding and stressful, from learning parts to snappy directors you had to be tuff to be in this business my friend, if not you wouldn’t even make it past your second audition no matter how good an actor you were if you couldn’t deal with the pressure and demands the director would wipe the floor with you.

“ What I wouldn’t do to go back to normal.” I sighed.

Lately I’ve become tired of my high profile life, of always having to do this and that, looking right for the camera and getting up early then not getting home until late hours because of set calls for a particular scene. I had made my money and yes, had a very nice few years but it was starting to drag and I just didn’t enjoy it anymore like I used too.

Darius McLane, my husband was one fine man let me tell you that not just in looks but in the most...alluring charm. We met just after my high school graduation when I went to New York with some of my friends. I remember it like it was only yesterday, we were walking along Broadway like I had always wanted too, while I was staring up at all the signs for up and coming performances I crashed straight into someone and....fell on my butt. I know I know laugh all you want but at the time in really hurt anyway while I was brushing myself off a hand appeared in front of me, I looked up and was instantly stunned by who was in front of me, Darius McLane the hottest and best actor of the last 3 years, I took his hand and he helped me up. He made sure I was okay and apologized for my fall then asked me to meet him for coffee the next day in the Starbucks that was across the street. Things led on from there and a year later we were married although it hasn’t been the perfect fairytale with the press always writing stories and with both out schedules being so different our relationship has become strained and...I haven’t been feeling the same feelings I once did for him and add to the fact I had my suspicions that he was cheating.

Today I had to work till 11pm on a new film called Suspicions, meaning I had to be in full make-up, that was by the way really uncomfortable, and full dress for the movie meaning I had to wear the skimpiest thing ever for my characters main scene.

The movie was about a 25 year old wife suspicious of her husband cheating on her, so she goes undercover posing as a stripper to try and catch out if he really was. It was kinda funny really when I thought about it, the similarities in the story to Darius and mines, except for the fact I would never ever do something like go undercover as a stripper just to find out if my man was cheating, I would just throw his butt out onto the street.

“ Miss McLane times up.” The directors assistant called through the door again.

“ Time to shine.” I sighed again and got up.

I was wearing a purple and silver Dimonique bikini, or whatever it was supposed to be, with a pair of see through six inch heels and they were killing me very slowly. My hair was curled into soft curls while someone had put white clip in extensions to put in instead of dyeing my hair and taking away its natural black hair. You see my mom was a Spaniard from Malta while my dad was from Atlanta where I grew up. My mom died when I was 5 from cancer so I only had my dad. He says I look allot like my mom almost twins apparently but even with my Spaniard looks I have bits of my dad like his dark blue eyes and lightly tanned colouring.

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