Unfaithful - 28

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Everyone congratulated  me on my win and I smiled at all of them as I was surrounded by Tobias’s family. I shivered as I was left in only my jumper and Tobias came and wrapped his arms around me, his family awed and I put my head down.

Out horses were all eating the grass that was on the track not too far away from us but far enough away that we would have to walk quite a bit to get to them. Demi stayed on her horse though because it was a hassle for her to keep getting up and then down off of her horse over and over again.

“ Ruby!” Demi called out to me suddenly.

“ Yeah?” I asked as she rode over.

“ Your phones ringing, it’s Charity.” She told me with a knowing glance.

She threw it to me and I caught it while she kept a hold of my jacket, I checked the caller I.D. and it was in fact Charity. I pulled away from Tobias as I walked away from the Richardson’s to answer my call.

“ Hello?” I answered.

“ Ruby.....I need your help.....I’m in trouble.” Charity’s panicked voice carried down the line.

She sounded like she was crying and I was instantly worried, I could hear her breathing heavily and could tell she was panicking by the way she continued to babble down the line to me.

“ Honey calm down. What’s going on?” I asked worriedly.

“ I don’t know.....I’m in a lot of pain, Ruby please I was on my way home from my parents when I fell from the mare. I’m in a field just behind the bakery......” She trailed off in a rush.

“ Okay honey hold on I’ll be right there.” I said and shut my phone.

I shouldn’t panic and I’m sure I know where she is but I was worried, how badly would she be hurt? How did she fall from the mare? I stuck my fingers in my mouth again and whistled for Beast.

I heard him whine and then run over, I jumped onto his saddle quickly and turned him around. Tobias’s family looked at me with confused expression and I gave them a sorry smile.

“ I’m really sorry but I have to go it’s an emergency!” I called over to them.

“ What’s wrong?” Tobias asked.

“ Charity.” I told him.

Understanding came to his face and I turned Beast around then pushed him into a full gallop away from the race track, I couldn’t really hear anyone behind us so I just guessed they had decided to just leave me to it.

I had a long way to go if I was going to get all the way back to town and then past the bakery but Beast would get me there in no time, seeing as it was Christmas day no one was around so we flew down Main Street and were riding past the bakery in no time.

We reached the field in no time but I didn’t see anything not even the mare and I was instantly worried, I stood up on Beast’s saddle for a better view but I only saw an empty field.

“ Charity!” I yelled with my hands cupped around my mouth.

I listened for a reply but my voice just carried through the air and echoed, I sat back down on Beast and started to search the field itself for any sign. I dialled her number on my phone but it just rang and rang and that was when I started to panic.

I called for her over and over again and got the same reply of nothing until my phone rang again and I picked it up straight away.

“ Charity?” I answered.

Unfaithful  (ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTCIE)Where stories live. Discover now