Unfaithful - 33

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Ruby's P.O.V.

My first show had gone great and I had an awesome review, now a months later and I was performing shows nearly every night of the week. I was getting a great pay check from it too and I could perform all of my lines and songs at a drop of a hat but I wasn’t really enjoying it as much as I thought I would. At first it was great but after all the training and the shows I just wanted to go home, I had at least another 3 weeks before my contract was up but I had a feeling Tyler would want me to stay for longer.

I was sitting in a Starbucks that was the one where I had first had coffee with Darius in and looked out at the Broadway that I used to love in front of me. I sipped on my mocha and leant against my hand as I crossed a leg over my other one. I heard my phone ring and fished it out of my bag and flipped it open to see Charity’s caller I.D.

“ Hey Charity.” I answered cheerfully.

“ Hi Ruby, I was just calling to ask if you would be back for the start of the Spring Derby next Tuesday.” She said.

“ Charity I thought I missed the derby since it’s not Spring anymore, it’s June.” I told her.

“ We all bargained with Mayor Anniston to delay it so you could come if you could.” She said.

“ You didn’t have to do that! I don’t even know if I can make it!” I exclaimed.

“ Oh please Ruby! The girls have been practising so much with what I’ve taught them and they want you to come back and see them even sing with them if you make it in time.” She begged

“ I’ll try my best but I don’t think I’ll be able too.” I told her.

“ It’s okay, we can’t wait till you come home.” She said.

“ I can’t either.” I laughed.

We talked for a little while after that and I started making my way back to my apartment since it had started to rain. I told Charity I would call her back later and ran the rest of the way back as fast as I could in my heels.

I walked into the lobby soaking wet and felt terrible, I trudged my way over to the elevator and took the short journey up to my apartment in silence as I shivered. I unlocked my door and walked in, placing my handbag on the side and walking over to my closet.

I changed into a pair of pyjama shorts and Tobias’s plaid shirt that I kept with me and walked into my bathroom. My hair was only a little bit wet because my beret had kept most of it dry so I tied it up onto a messy bun and took off most of my makeup.

I walked back into my kitchen and grabbed a mango from my fruit bowl and started to peel it with a knife, I picked up the first piece I had cut and ate it quickly as I got on with the rest. I heard a faint knock on my front door and was about to go and answer it when the familiar face of Tyler Doyle popped out of nowhere.

“ Tyler? How did you...” I trailed off confused.

“ You left your front door open and I didn’t know if you were here or not so I just came in. I hope you don’t mind I did knock.” He explained.

“ No of course not. What can I do for you?” I asked.

I was kind of nervous at having Tyler in my home because of the way he’s been acting around me. Tobias knew about it because I had told him and let’s just say the last time he left he didn’t really like it too much. I picked up another piece of mango and ate it while I waited for Tyler to respond.

“ I was wondering that seeing as your contracts up soon if you’d be wanting to stay on a bit longer than expected and do a few more shows?” He asked.

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