Unfaithful - 29

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Tobias's P.O.V.

God I was such an idiot, I couldn’t believe I had said that to Ruby but I couldn’t help it. I knew that as soon as she arrived at that premiere he would slowly start to get his claws into my girl, I admit I was jealous because if I lost her I didn’t know what I was going to do even though I’d only known her for a few months.

To say I was surprised when she came into my parents living room on Christmas Day was an understatement, I mean me and my brothers, cousins and brother-in-law spent hours looking for Charlie and then he’s found by the one woman that I was wanting to see all day. I could tell she was embarrassed when my mom introduced her but she gained some confidence after awhile and even made my family laugh at how speechless I was.

My family loved her after the day we had all spent together at the track and back at the house and I couldn’t blame them either, she was one of those people that once you met them you wouldn’t want them to leave. My mom was already pestering me about when I would bring Ruby to see her again but I didn’t know when that would be since I had messed everything up.

It was the day before New Year’s Eve and Ruby’s premier and I had spent the past days since she left in my house, I couldn’t bring myself to even leave knowing that she wouldn’t be there. A lot might not have been exchanged in our argument but we both knew the meanings behind each word we both yelled at one another.

What made me feel more guilty and sorry was the fact she had told me she loved me without even realising it, it may have not supposed to of been said but I knew that she meant it somehow and I felt exactly the same way.

I heard my front door open and close but ignored it and stayed where I was, staring at my kitchen table as I was slumped in my seat. I heard two sets of footsteps and two people enter my kitchen but I just couldn’t talk without my woman here with me. I felt so bad.

“ Tobias?” My mom said softly.

I didn’t look up but I felt both people walk forward, one took a seat while the other came to a stand beside me. I felt the air around my head stir and then a stinging on my cheek, I looked up in shock to see my mom shaking out her hand.

“ What the hell mom?” I cried in anguish.

“ Pull yourself together boy and stop staring a hole in your table.” She said in a scolding tone.

“ Why are you even here?” I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“ Because we know that Ruby’s just as glum as you are.” Another voice said.

I realised there was another person in the room and looked to the other side of my table to see Demi, she was dressed in a simple jeans and top and boy did she look annoyed. I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze and she snorted.

“ I’ve seen the new channels, Ruby’s partying in New York with her friends.” I said.

Demi glared at me again and I cleared my throat while slumping into my seat. It was true what I had seen on the news, she was seen in clubs and bars every night and I knew that she wouldn’t miss me. Demi started to laugh and I gave her a confused look.

“ Honey, I’m only teasing.” She laughed.

“ Anyway back to the subject, you need to go to New York and make up with Ruby.” My mom said.

“ She probably doesn’t even want to see me, she kicked me out of the house.” I muttered.

“ Oh honey do you not know Ruby at all since you’ve been with her. She just wants you to understand why she had to go to the premier and you took it too seriously.” Demi told me.

“ I didn’t take it too seriously! Darius is going to be there and is going to try and get her back whether I’m there or not!” I stated.

“ Darius only wants Ruby for a piece of eye candy on his arm. He’s pigheaded, rude and totally plays up for the camera. My point is it’s part of Ruby’s job to go to premiers Tobias and you have to accept that and yes she’ll get offers at the premier by other directors but if she gets one she can’t refuse you have to know she will take it. Of course she’ll talk to you first but trust me she will take it, Ruby may be an actress but her dream is to be on Broadway and she’s been offered it before but declined because of Darius.

She loves you buddy and this town, she would never leave and not come back, you just have to accept her job and that she may be away for months and will hardly be able to come back until her contract is finished. You can either be there for her and support her along with warding off Darius because he hates guys that are bigger and better looking than him or you can stay here and leave her by herself in New York.” Demi told me.

I sat there and just thought, Demi left after realising I was thinking and my mom took up her seat. She stayed quiet as I took my time but the truth was I still didn’t know what to do, she had so many commitments and I would hardly see her because I had to be here and look after the stable while she was gone but if I went and joined her and made up I might get to spend some time with her unless she gets an offer.

“ Toby honey?” My mom asked.

“ Yeah?” I said in a hoarse voice.

“ Do you love her?” She asked slowly.

“.....Mom i-I don’t......” I trailed off.

“ Do you love her?” She asked again.

“ We’ve only been together a few months.” I told her in a reasoning tone.

“ Tobias Richardson! Do you or do you not love Ruby Ryan?!” She yelled at me suddenly.

I cringed back from her, my mom may be a small grey haired lady but boy when she got angry she was a force to be reckoned with. My brothers and I always used to hide in the house from her when we were growing up whenever we or they had done something that we would all get in trouble for.

“ Yes okay! Jeez stop yelling!” I said to her.

She smiled smugly and I realised what I had just said, I put a hand over my eyes and groaned. Gosh I hadn’t even realised myself that I loved her! Hell I didn’t even know what love really was!

“ I know your confused Toby but talking to Ruby will help. Even if you don’t like some of the things Ruby says or does she is her own person, don’t push her away like you have everyone else. You deserve to be happy for once and get on with your life.” She told me softly.

She got up to leave and was just walking out of my kitchen when she turned and faced me again.

“ Oh and honey, If you are going to make up with Ruby I would shave. I’m sure you can’t turn up to a premier with a hairy beard like that.” She chuckled.

I shook my head at her and rubbed a hand over my beard that I hadn’t been bothered to shave since Ruby left, it was pretty long even though it had been a couple of days and I sighed.

My mom had left and I was left to myself and I still wasn’t sure what to do, did I stay? Or join my girl in New York?

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