Unfaithful - 42

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Ruby's P.O.V.

“ Now that I try and think back I can’t really remember what was said but I know the summary of it.” I said with a slight frown.

It was the next day and I was sitting in an uncomfortable arm chair by the window in Demi’s room in the hospital. After a not so peaceful night’s sleep I had given myself time to think over things a little, It hurt me so much to not be with Tobias but I just couldn’t deal with the fact that he couldn’t trust me.

I couldn’t get over the fact that he had brought up all those things about Darius and I along with children and I knew he had heard the whole conversation that Demi and I had been having, it hurt me that he hadn’t just came and talked to me about it and it made me wonder if things would have turned out differently if he had.

I didn’t mean to say he was just like Darius but it was the heat of the moment and he had me so worked up and in some aspects in the moment he reminded me of Darius, he’d gotten a lot of information out of me and it wasn’t until I got home and took some to think that I realized this.

So here I was, sitting with Demi, baby James and Winston in the hospital room with my sorry butt trying to get comfortable as I tried to process more of what had happened.

“ We heard everything, everyone heard everything.” Demi said softly.

“ I realized that.” I sighed.

“ You know my dear, I think your both wrong.” Winston stated as he held his son.

“ How so?” I asked curiously.

“ Well you were in a relationship and you didn’t communicate, how do you expect it to work when you don’t talk to each other about these things.” He said simply.

“ But it was a private conversation between me and Demi. I don’t even know what he was doing in the house anyway.” I told him.

“ That’s not the point and you know it. Yes he was in the wrong more so than you but you should of given him a chance.” He said in a scolding tone.

I sighed and reached back in the uncomfortable chair and put my feet up on Demi’s bed, she hit them but I just ignored her and kept them there anyway. I knew that I was in the wrong but I wasn’t going to go running to Tobias just because I was in the wrong, he was in the wrong more than me and I thought it best that we had some time apart just for a little while.

“ He can’t trust me Winston, in every relationship you need trust and he didn’t give me that. If he had asked or came to me I would have talked to him but no he made a big deal out of it, he’s a 29 year old man and he needs to stop letting his temper get in the way before his head.” I stated.

“ Well I for one am not getting involved, I have more important things to do like plan this little man his christening.” Demi said as she stared lovingly at her son.

“ I put the stuff I brought yesterday in the nursery you set up in one of the spare rooms.” I told her.

“ You really do too much Ruby.” She said with a sigh.

“ It keeps me busy and since I’ve bored you all with my ruined relationship I’m going to leave you two to turn your attention to that cut little son of yours.” I said as I got up.

I stretched and stood up from my uncomfortable seat and tightened my ponytail as it came loose. I said my goodbyes and started to make my way out of the hospital, it had rained last night and I took it as a bad sign. It was muddy and nearly everything was covered in the soggy dirt from horses hooves and the rare care or two.

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