Unfaithful - 8

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Ruby's P.O.V.

“ Okay guy’s I want the Shire horse in the stable nearest to the entrance and the Ardennes in the meadow at the back.” I called out.

We had all of the horses unloaded except from the Stallion, he would be a challenge. I was directing the guys where I wanted to put the horses, the Ardennes where too big to fit into two of our stalls so I would keep them in the back meadow so they had the space they needed. I realized that when we got back Scott had actually bought a horse, the horse he chose was an American Draught Horse. He was very pretty with a smooth beige coat and black hair.

“ Where do you want the Draught horse.” Harry asked holding his reins.

“ Ummm in the middle stall next to Demi’s horse.” I said.

“ Okay I’ll go and get this one sorted then.” He said and walked off.

“ Ruby, my dear all that’s left is the stallion.” Winston said coming and standing beside me.

“ Okay thank you Winston.” I said simply.

Now this, this would be a challenge, the horse was already wild and starts thrashing at loud noises, I had noticed this as we had loaded him into the trailer. Since he was the last horse on he should have been the first off but we couldn’t have risked the other horses getting stressed if he had started kicking and thrashing. He still had his bridle on so that would make it allot easier for me to get him out.

I walked over to the trailer ramp that we used to unload the rest of the horses and walked up it slowly careful not to scare him. His head swung over to me as he looked me over, I think he remembered me from earlier because he stomped his hoof then nickered softly. I smiled softly and continued to walk over to him. He bumped his head into my shoulder and nuzzled against me; I stroked his face and scratched between his ears where long wisps of black hair fell into his eyes.

“ How does she do it?” I heard Carl ask in wonder.

“ I don’t know she just does.” Matt replied in the same tone.

“ And to a wild stallion.” Scott put in.

“ WILD!” They all yelled at once.

It happened so fast, the change in his body language. The stallion lifted his head from my shoulder and started to bump his head into the railings of the trailer as if he was trying to get out when he realized he couldn’t he started thrashing, his hooves hit the metal bars and clonked as the metal rang out a shrill tune. I turned back to the guys to see them rushing forward to get me out of the trailer.

“ No! Stay away from the trailer and do not make a single sound.” I said angrily.

They skidded to a halt at the end of the ramp and looked reluctant to leave, I gave them all a look and they all backed away far enough that they could still get here if something happened but far enough away to not spook the horse. I rushed back over to him as he stopped thrashing and made soothing noises again hoping it would work. His nostrils were flared and his breathing rapid but he seemed to be calming down, I took a hold of his reins and started to guide him out.

As I led him onto the ramp he stopped. I didn’t realize how huge he was until now as he stood at his full height, he was huge at least 6’10 and towered above me. He seemed to be looking around and taking in his surroundings, I think he seemed satisfied because he started walking again. I led him onto even ground and then stopped letting him get his footing. I could hear the guys shifting behind me as if thinking whether or not to intervene but I was perfectly fine I’ve been through worse things than being kicked by a horse.

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