Unfaithful - 27

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Our ride was going great and I was really enjoying it. At the moment we were all taking a slow ride through the more Luxury part of town, you could tell it was by the size of the houses but they were nothing compared to my mansion.

Winston, Demi and I rode three across with our horses going the same speed as we enjoyed each other’s company silently as we only spoke rarely.

We rounded a bend in the round and watched children on either sides of the road having an all out war of snowballs. A movement to my left caught my attention and I saw the faint outline of a little boy crying behind a wall of snow.

I frowned and pulled out off our three across formation and pulled back. I pulled Beast to a stop and got down from his saddle, pulling his reins with me. I walked over towards the little boy slowly as I led Beast with me. I noticed that Winston and Demi stopped but I gestured for them to go on and they nudged their horses into a quick gallop to get past the flying balls of snow.

“ Are you okay?” I asked softly as I leant down on my knees in the snow.

The little boy who looked to be about 5 years old let out a yelp and jumped up as he wrapped his arms around himself. I looked over his features and saw that he had a mess of chocolate hair and dark eyes with dark features but I was worried by the amount of tears that were running down his cheeks.

I bent down to his level and Beasts huge head came with me too, he snorted and pushed his head into the boys stomach as if he sensed something was wrong with him. The boy seemed startled and froze as I smiled softly at how my drama queen of a horse interacted with the little boy.

“ Beast won’t hurt you honey.” I said as I wiped some tears off of his cheeks.

The boy sniffed as more tears flowed, Beast lifted his head to the same level of the boys and the boy reluctantly lifted up a hand and stroked under his chin because that was all he could reach. While Beast distracted him I noticed that the little boy was holding his right hand in a tight fist and I saw some drips of red slip from it.

“ Sweetheart can I see your hand?” I asked.

He looked at me with watery eyes and held it out to me slowly, I held it in my left hand carefully as I pulled back his fingers slowly. I frowned when I saw a gash going right across his palm and looked at him with a confused expression.

“ How did this happen?” I asked.

“ Some of the boys were throwing snowballs and it hit me in the face. I slipped and fell and they all laughed at me.” He cried.

“ Oh honey.” I said and pulled him to me.

“ Would you like me to take you home?” I asked as I held him to me.

“ Yes miss.” He muttered.

“ Call me Ruby.” I said with a smile.

I pulled back then and lifted him into my arms as I turned and got Beast back onto the road. I lifted him up and onto Beast’s saddle where he settled into the seat, I handed him the reins and he held them tight in one hand while I jumped back onto Beast’s saddle with him.

I made him lean against me and grip a hold of the saddle while I took a hold of the reins, I gave him a few minutes to adjust to the new height as I wrapped one of my arms around his waist so he wouldn’t fall off and then pulled Beast right back and made him go into a full gallop to get through the snow ball fight.

We were fit by a few and so was Beast but I pulled him to a stop as we got to the other side and got him to go into a walk.

“ What’s you name honey?” I asked.

Unfaithful  (ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTCIE)Where stories live. Discover now