Unfaithful - 14

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Ruby's P.O.V.

“ Get out of bed, we have work to do today.” I called through Winston and Demi’s bedroom door.

I heard a thump next to my head and guessed that Demi had probably thrown something to tell me to leave her alone, she wasn’t a morning person. I just laughed and walked downstairs knowing that they’ll be up and dressed in a little while.

I had already been up for an hour and had eaten and showered. Today I was wearing a simple loose white shirt and a pair of lightly coloured shorts along with my pair of cowgirl boots I had gotten in town last week. I decided to wear something really simple today because I had allot of work to do today along with all of the knuckleheads.

I knew that Harry, Matt, Miles and Scott where already out at the stables because I saw them from the garden this morning as they rode in from the trail but I hadn’t seen Tobias or Carl at all. Carl told me before he left that he was staying over at Tobias’s so I guess I could go give them a wakeup call.

I walked into the kitchen and over to the cupboard next to the refrigerator and pulled out my new weapon of wake up destruction, I didn’t even know why I had an air horn but I guess it was to be used in times like these.

I walked outside, air horn in hand and over to Tobias’s little house that was just over the lawn and stopped at his door, I lifted the letter box up and stuck the nosel of the air horn into it. I clicked the button and held it down, wincing as the sound nearly made me deaf. I heard shouts from inside and giggled to myself. I kept hold of it for a good 2 more minutes then let it go and pulled it out. I didn’t hear any movement and went to do it again when the door swung open.

I looked up and was faced with two very angry half naked men; I raised an eyebrow at them both as they both glared at me.

“ What have you two been up to?” I said suggestively.

“ Sleeping. What do you want?” Tobias snapped.

“ Get dressed and ready, we have work to do today.” I told him seriously.

Carl nodded while Tobias just continued glaring, I turned on my heel and started walking back towards the house, I held the air horn up once more and gave it a quick click letting out another peel of noise just to annoy Tobias some more.

I jogged my way up to my office and grabbed my handbag that I had left up here; I had already placed all the things I needed for today inside such as a notepad, pen, and all the information I needed for today. I hefted my handbag onto my left arm and made my way back downstairs.

I decided to walk into town today so I wouldn’t be taking the trail. I walked out the front door and closed it lightly behind me and started my walk down the driveway and on my way down the hill. The dirt was as soft as it was today than it was the day I fell and I was just glad it wasn’t muddy, could you imagine trying to get our cars up and down this hill in mud so deep that your car sank, I certainly couldn’t.

It was a short but very steep walk down the hill before I walked into town, I made my way over to Grace’s first.

“ Morning Grace.” I greeted.

“ Why good mornin’ Miss Ruby.” She greeted happily with a smile.

“ I was thinking of starting some things up at the ranch to get some money coming in so I was wondering if you would spread the word about a day care for the children and riding lessons?” I asked her.

“ Why ‘course I can. That’s a good idea you’ve got there but are you sure you can handle the children?” She asked me.

“ I’m sure I’ll be fine and it will give Demi something to do while she waits to have the baby.” I told her.

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