Unfaithful - 40

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Ruby's P.O.V.

I had so much to do today it was unbelievable, I had practise with the guys and then training with Darrell and not to mention I had to get a dress for the next ball that was tonight. I had so much to do in so little time that I felt like I was going to go crazy.

Right now practise was going great, everybody was learning quickly and I’ve got them running further and further everyday meaning that their stamina was improving which also meant their dancing was nearly perfect. I already had the set list with the nod of approval from Charity so I was good to do what I wanted to get us as good as we can get.

Charity and I still weren’t speaking, I had made an effort too but she just didn’t want to know so I decided to leave her to her own devices of course I didn’t want to but I could tell that she just needed some time to herself right now.

“ Okay guy’s that was great take some time to cool off and then were done for the day. I have to go to training with Beast so I’ll see you all tonight at the ball.” I said quickly and then left the dance studio.

I ran up to my room and changed out of my leotard and into a pair of grey denim shorts, a pink Ralph Lauren shirt and then pulled my boots on. My hair was already tied up so I didn’t have to worry about that and I hadn’t bothered with make-up in days because I was busy.

It was still blazing hot during the days because we were still in summer and everyone was starting to struggle with it, hell even I was from being out in it all day everyday. It wasn’t just that it was hot it was the fact that I was still getting over my sun stroke too and Tobias had made me wear his Stetson so that the sun wasn’t on my face and I wouldn’t overheat too much. I picked up his Stetson from where it lay on my bed and placed it on my head, I picked up my phone and I placed it in my pocket and then made my way outside.

The guy’s were hard at work as usual and I was happy to see them working like they should, I was paying them a bit more than their fair share and I knew they were grateful for it. The grass that surrounded the ranch was turning brown from the constant sun and most of it was being replaced by dirt that flew up everywhere, it worried me at how fast it was happening but it was just another thing to add to my list of problems.

I walked in to the stables and then to the tack room to fetch Beasts saddle and bridle, I had been keeping him in the stables lately so that he wasn’t stuck outside all the time because with his thick coat the sun was naturally attracted to black and it could cause him to over-heat.

I walked back out and pulled open his stable door then let him walk out, he stood completely still as I saddled him and tightened all of the buckles on his saddle so that they were comfortable on him. He brought his head down for me as I slid his bridle over his face, I had continued training him every other day so that I could have better control over him and he was doing really well considering he still goes crazy when other people try to touch him although he was fine with little children and certain adults he still got nervous.

I stuck my foot in one of his stirrups and then pulled myself up onto his back, I had gotten better at climbing onto his tall frame now and had a certain technique for it too. I took a hold of his reins and walked him out of the stables, I took him into a Canter when we made it towards the trail and we set off towards the track. It didn’t take long to get there but today I was letting Beast take his time because if I pushed him into a gallop he would tire out before we even got there not that it would make much difference.

I greeted people as I passed them in Main Street and then stopped for a few minutes to chat with Grace, she fed Beast an apple and he nearly swallowed it whole as soon as he saw it. I laughed and thanked Grace then got on my way again. The street’s were filled with people now that it was hot outside and coming up to summer, some people sat on their front lawns while others sat in the shade to fan themselves.

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