Unfaithful - 23

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Tobias's P.O.V.

I was livid; I couldn’t believe that guy had the nerve to do that on national television just to spite my girl. I stomped my way through the snow over to my house and slammed my door behind me and kicked my boots off. I made my way into my kitchen and pulled a six pack out of the refrigerator then slumped down on one of my kitchen chairs.

I didn’t get what that guy’s problem was to keep carrying on making Ruby’s life hell when they weren’t even together anymore. I was sure about one thing and that thing was that he wasn’t getting his hands back on my girl.

I knew that she would probably need me right now and don’t get me wrong she looked as hot as anything while she was ranting in all the Spanish but once I saw that report I just lost it. I know that I had only known Ruby for a few months but it seemed like I had known her forever, she treated me differently unlike other people around here and I appreciated that allot.

The whole Rob thing has ruined my life, I couldn’t get a job or even move out of my parents house but then Ruby came along and opened her ranch and I had managed to get the job I had always wanted; to be a stable master. It was difficult for my first few days working here because the guys tried making my life a living hell even though I was technically their boss and Ruby was mine but they didn’t see it that way so I just got on with what I had to do.

I wasn’t actually on the ranch on the day Ruby arrived and I was working through the days that followed so I didn’t get to meet her until I found her in pain that day and she asked me to take her inside, I was nervous when I talked to her and she noticed and made me calm down along with embarrassing me a little too.

When I first saw her properly when she wasn’t in pain and wasn’t in any trouble I was dumbstruck. I knew she was beautiful but in person she was just awe inspiring, her skin was darker than what I had seen in pictures making her seem like her skin was milk chocolate while her hair was completely wild and filled with curls instead of it being straight like it was in her movies.

I loved how she kept part of her heritage and always tried to get us involved even if she knew we didn’t want to or know how. That’s where she was different.

I came out of my thoughts and took a sip from the beer I had taken from the pack and just looked around trying to clear my head but nothing worked. I heard a knock on my door and got up to answer it.

“ Errrr hi Anton.” I greeted Ruby’s dad nervously.

I gestured for him to come in and closed the door behind me so that none of the cold could get in, he walked into my small living room and stood with his arms crossed and I knew I was in trouble.

“ I’m not here to tell you that you should be comforting my daughter right now but I understand why your angry. Darius has always been one to not let anything go and that’s why Ruby suffered when she was married to him, he put himself before her and everything had to be his way even though many times Ruby did her own thing anyway.” He told me.

“ I don’t understand.” I said with a frown.

“ What I’m trying to say is, if you and Ruby want a long relationship you need to talk to one another and get things in the open because I know even you have some skeletons in your closet.” He stated with a sly smile.

“ Well I better get going, I have packing to do if I’m going to be able to make my flight tomorrow.” He said before I could say anything.

Again before I could say anything he left and it was quiet. I walked over to my front door and pulled my boots back onto my feet; I left my house and made my way through the falling snow and back into Ruby’s house.

It was warmer than my house in here, I noticed as I made my way upstairs and towards Ruby’s room. It was funny how most of us just came and went now and no one cared.

I was about to knock on Ruby’s door when I noticed something beside her door, I bent down and picked it up. It was a medium sized box and it had some weight to it, I frowned and shook it a little, I heard some things rattle but couldn’t tell what was inside. I tucked the box under my arm and pressed my ear against her door; I could hear running water and guessed she was probably busy. I decided to try and talk to her later and walked back downstairs as I made my way into the kitchen.

I sat down on a chair at the centre island and placed the box down in front of me. I lifted the lid and placed it down next to the box, there was an album sort of thing on top which I lifted out and placed it down next to the box. Underneath where the album was there were a number of different boxes.

I picked each box out after the other and pushed the box they were held in away from me so I had a lot of space around me. I had three boxes in front of me and each of them where different sizes. I opened all of them and looked over them with a shocked expression, each of these boxes was filled with expensive and I mean expensive jewellery.

In the largest box there was a tiara that looked like it was made completely out of crystals while the other two boxes held much smaller items. In the smallest box there were a set of diamond earrings but it was the last box that held my interest the most. Its velvet interior held two rings one was a simple silver band that was covered in diamonds while the other had quite a big rock on it. I made the realisation that these where probably Ruby’s from her wedding day, I placed all of the boxes back into the box except from the album.

I leant my head my elbow on the counter and leant my head on my hand as I relaxed. I opened the album up onto the first page and read what it said.

                                         You are cordially invited to the wedding


                                                             Darius John McLane


                                                                      Ruby Ryan

                                                          On the 17th of July 2004

I frowned when I noticed that Ruby had been married to Darius for 7 years which was a long time for someone who I had calculated married at 18 to marry a movie star and become famous but I guess Ruby found her own way of coping with it.

I turned over to the next page and stared at it for awhile, there were a mixture of different pictures of Ruby getting ready for her wedding day. She was smiling in all of them and she seemed genuinely happy it was just too bad she couldn’t tell the future. They’re were quite a few funny pictures on this page with women I didn’t know running about while in one picture Ruby sat with curlers in her hair and a bored expression on her face. Another was of Ruby holding something in her hands with her back turned from the camera, I tried to figure out what it was but couldn’t see enough to make it out.

Over the next page it showed their wedding venue and it was actually not a bad looking place if you ask me, it had some sort of flowers wrapped around a pavilion while people sat in seats. There was a close-up of Darius waiting at the altar and I gotta say I did have some competition on my hands and I could see why Ruby had taken an interest in him. I turned the page and it stared down at the picture for a certain amount of time, it was another picture of Ruby but this time it was her in her wedding dress. She looked beyond beautiful as the white contrasted against her dark skin and her hair was in curls above her head, the tiara I had found was placed on her head along with a veil while she held a bouquet in her hands.

I carried on flipping through the pages as I took the time to look at everyone; I was actually interested in looking at these even if Ruby didn’t know about it.

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