Unfaithful - 25

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Ruby's P.O.V.

“ Do you think they slept down here?”

“ I’m not sure but Demi dear you should leave them, I heard Ruby leave her room at about 1 o’clock last night so they must have been up for hours.”

I vaguely heard them but I was still so tired and didn’t want to move. Tobias and I ended up staying up until the sun came up. I felt my eyes widen as I came to a realisation, I had to get Charity!

I looked around and noticed that I was lying on top of Tobias while he slept soundly beneath me; I had to get up without disturbing him because I knew he was tired. I lifted his arm off of me carefully and got to my feet, placing his hand over his chest. I got up and quickly ran upstairs and changed.

It had stopped snowing since yesterday but I could tell it would again when I stepped outside the snow was even thicker than before and nearly over my knees. I trudged my way over to the stables and pulled the door wide open. All of the horses were either sleeping or chewing on their feed and hay with ease.

I walked over to Beast’s stall and petted Beauty on the way; I pulled his stalls door open and led him out.

“ It might be a bit cold out there for you today boy.” I said to him as I saddled him.

He nickered in reply and I didn’t know what he was saying because it could have meant anything. I jumped onto his back and started making our way through the thick snow.

We had made it to Main Street after what seemed like an hour and I could tell Beast wasn’t enjoying the snow because he was lifting his hooves up as high as he could and acting as if he was going to bolt. I pulled him to a stop for a rest when I saw a man trudging his way towards us.

“ Good morning.” I called out to him.

“ Good Mornin’ Miss Ruby. I’m Mayor Anniston and I would like to give you a proposition.” He stated.

“ And what would that proposition be?” I asked as I leant back on Beast’s saddle.

“ We’ll be having a concert tomorrow night for Christmas Eve and most of the acappella groups are performing and I was wondering if maybe you and Lyrical Life would perform for us too?” He asked.

“ Of course we would but it will be a short time to practise but I’m sure we can pull it off.” I told him with a nod.

“ Well then I’ll see you there, it’s in the same place as the competition so no need to worry.” He said and went on his way.

I pushed Beast into a Canter as we made our way to the hospital; I brought my phone out and texted the group to meet at the mansion in about an hour.

The hospital seemed like a ghost town when we got there with no one around, I was about to get off of Beast’s saddle when I saw Charity already walking out of the hospital doors with a bag.

“ Sorry I was late I got a proposition from the Mayor.” I told her.

“ It’s okay, I would of been fine riding back on my own.” She told me.

She walked into the hospitals stables and I followed her on Beast’s back. She looked different today, much more pale and her eyes had sunken into her face so you could see her cheekbones slightly through her skin, now that I noticed she even looked thinner than before. It made me worried at how ill she looked and I knew for a fact she hadn’t even told her family about her having Cancer yet.

“ The Mayor asked if we would perform at the concert the towns having for Christmas Eve tomorrow and I said yes. I hope you don’t mind.” I said sheepishly.

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