▲Two is a Crowd...

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"Flash Vaux! The devilishly handsome fox!" A voice sounded around a car park. A dark haired adolescent having short cut hair with slight curls looked around at the call of a name.

"Fox Trot Vaux. What's happening man?" Another dark haired guy- seemingly who the first greeting came from, met him placing a fancy handshake before pulling him into a hug.

"Lucky Harris, long time man. And hey, I'm not a fox okay? Gotta chill with that." Flash warned him coolly.

"Then what are you?" Lucky posed himself with his hands folded across his chest and smirked. Flash clenched his jaw and folded his lips. Studying his mind he wasn't too sure on how to answer that or rather if he should.

"You used to have that thick bushy hair like a fox's tail, that's how you got your name how could you forget bro?" Lucky gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. Flash kept a straight faced demeanor as if reflecting on his younger years.

"I didn't forget. Just wanted a little change." he smiled to himself while Lucky looked him over.

"And what happened though? You've gone all clean on me man. I mean you clean up nicely; cut away the tail, got some new... different threads." Lucky leaned back a little with an exaggerated, questioning look and really studied the guy in front of him. Flash wore a black skinny jeans and black suede semi-formal shoes, a purple tee and a black waist coat hugging him.

"Maybe you have changed, you look somewhat different... has that inner energy disappeared too?" Lucky smirked slyly, this earned a small grin then a chuckle from Flash.

"It's nice to see you too Locksley." Flash hugged him again. Nothing really changed per say, well at least physically. Flash was still the same Flash that Locksley(Lucky) knew back in school- granted maybe a few minor tweaks in mentality but the real change was that Flash cut his hair and opted for a change of look in his attire. It was his first day of college and he wanted to make a good impression for himself.

"So where's this orientation thing gonna take place?" Lucky asked peering behind him looking at the general crowd that came making their way in one direction towards a huge building.

"I guess we follow them." Flash suggested with a shrug.

"Alright, trot along fox." Lucky made a terrible joke. Flash showed the disapproval on his face with furrowed brows.

"Really should drop that Luck. Even you said I look different... so different name." Flash thought that was clear enough but wasn't prepared for Locksley's comeback.

"So what animal would you identify with now?" That made him stop in his tracks. Flash should've expected that knowing Lucky was a pushy guy but he wasn't prepared for it. It even made his heart jump a little when he understood the question. Flash didn't know what to say, well he did but to disclose such information to his friend- his normal friend, probably wasn't the best of ideas. In his thoughts he wasn't even conscience when he said.


Lucky's stare verified what Flash just said. He was nervous now that he may have been found out but Lucky had a different point of view.

"You're telling me that even though you cut all your hair off, you identify with an animal that's even hairier than a fox?" Lucky made sense of what Flash said. He was glad enough that his little slip up didn't trigger anything suspicious about him. That or he was being completely delirious with anxiety.

"Yea you're right, guess I'll stick with fox." Flash shrugged. Lucky wasn't pleased- he showed his disapproval with an exaggerated frown and a slow shake of the head.

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