▼Puppy Love 2

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Solis stood to herself by the entrance of the college restaurant holding her phone tightly as if she was in a strange land- in honesty she was just nervous about agreeing to a date with a guy she barely knew. She thought about it more than she should have but she wanted to know what it was about this guy that pulled her to him. She got that he was flirty and had charm but she wasn't one to be roped in by such- or was she? She always found herself to be a free spirit. Checking her phone again for no reason in particular, the clock read eleven minutes past twelve. She really wondered why was it that she agreed to this, furthermore why she approached him.


Solis would be off after her next class, holding her books closer she went to her locker and switched out for her expressions class. Shutting the door she sighed feeling a weight on her chest. Out of curiousity she held the new books off to see if that would lighten the burden but it turned out it was all in her mind. She wasn't bothered about anything but felt as if she should be aware of something to come.

Walking across the faculty lawn to her expressions class she wondered why the classes had to be so far apart. By now she was just stressing for no reason and when she rounded the corner that led to the room she saw someone who made her heart skip just as much as she was worried. Dèlan chuckled to himself approaching the now frozen Solis.

"Hi there." He wore a cheesy grin trying not to come on too strongly. Solis kept her eyes at his chest for a while before holding her head rightly to look him in the eyes. He pronounced his grin into a smile to let her know he wasn't a threat.

"Hey." She started exhaling some of the pressure from her chest.

"Are you okay? You seem a little tense." He lifted his hand to console her shoulder but decided against it. Solis saw his gesture and thanked that he understood the concept of  personal space. It wasn't that she didn't want to be touched, but if he did he would just sense how uneasy she was.

"What makes you think I am?" She tried him.

"Well for one, I don't think any calm person would have their shoulders up to their ears like that." He pointed again.

"What?" She said then realizing that she was holding to herself. Relaxing her shoulders she felt a bit more eased.

"And secondly, you jumped when you saw me." He frowned the side of his mouth, "Is it that I'm not memorable or you didn't want to see me?" She looked back at him with his head cocked to the side. Solis looked at his frame; so bulky yet it looked like he could move just as fast. His jawline as she saw from his tilted head was pronounced and he held such a cute smile that he looked nearly innocent at that one point.

"No, actually, I'm glad I ran into you." She forced a smile to throw him off.

"Oh really? Why?" She was caught now, she had to say something quickly to throw off his suspicion.

"Um, about our date." His eyes opened at her words and she blushed.

"Sorry, is that too strong of a word?" She fumbled with her words and rocked on her feet.

"No actually. I was just surprised you used it. Last time we talked about it you weren't exactly for calling it a date." He called her out on it and she blushed again.

"Oh well that's okay now. I was wondering if you still wanted to go out." She could not believe she was saying that.

"Oh really, when?" He raised a brow.

"Yea. um, is today bad?" She exhaled.

"Actually it isn't but are you sure you want to?" Dèlan figured she was under pressure or at least pressuring herself, so he wasn't going to force it either. In his mind he was okay with whatever- knowing he had only said what he did back then on a whim to get his mind off Chloe, he was feeling better now. So to see Solis like this was near painful.

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