▲...Unless It's Three Plus Me Part 1

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Everyone was bustling around the area; art and theatre students alike, coordinators, club members and anyone that was involved in setting up for the Halloween bash a little later after sunset.

Flash's mind was bustling also, a shaky Absalom in front of him- eyes wide and breathing heavy looking at the scared, stone faced expression stuck on Flash. Everything seemingly came back to him now all at once; when they met, how shallow and skeptical he remained around her, how annoying yet addictive her personality was to him and then only the night before when she asked.

"Flash, what if I was taken by the alpha. Would you save me?"

The words played in his mind.

"Are you sure you're saying that because you mean it? Or is it the obsession?"

Obsession or not; if Absalom told Flash correctly then Solis; his sister was in grim trouble, deadly trouble and he was going to rescue her.

"Hey hey. Flash, what are you going to do?" Absalom jerked him out his thoughts as he turned back to the entrance to the Moon Court Room.

"What am I going to do? I'm going to kill that bastard." Absalom stood shocked for a second watching Flash walk on, it wasn't like him to talk like this. Absalom strode forward towards Flash, the feeling he got from him wasn't natural, it wasn't him- it was the lunar-spite sensation.

"Flash stop. You aren't yourself." Absalom called out and held Flash's shoulder to spin him around. Flash's eyes were wandering the place then fixed themselves on Absalom's, who gasped in silence at Flash's face.

"Dude! Your eyes! Calm down! Like all the way down! Now!" Absalom whisper-shouted and held onto Flash's hand, it may have looked queer but if Absalom didn't do this it could turn out to be a bloodbath. Absalom pulled him closer to the wall at least so they could be out of general view.

"Flash calm down, tell me what's on your mind and get over it." Absalom found himself being like his mother, she did the same whenever he got riled up. Inside he whimpered, he felt bad for giving in like that and selling Flash out but the torture. Even now he could still feel Dèlan's claws sticking his throat which was like a light touch compared to the pain he got transferred into his head and body.

"I see the alpha." Flash spoke low but clear enough for Absalom to hear.

"Who? Dèlan?" Absalom searched his eyes, a fiery yellow dancing in his iris.

"No, the alpha from two years ago."

"What?" Absalom was confused.

"His eyes, red, blood, toxic." His voice shook, "If I was stronger I could've stopped him, I could've killed him." Flash's voice melted, Absalom was still left out but gathered it was a part of Flash's past he was talking about.

"Why? Why didn't you?" Absalom wanted Flash to calm down, it would've seemed as if he was urging him on but the best way to get over it was to get it out.

"We were weak, he called us weak. He told us... we were nothing but a pack of low omegas not even deserving death." The glow still stood in his eyes, water gathering making a sea of gold on his lower lid.

"He spared you." Absalom pieced it together.

"He scarred us. Left us bloodied and far worse than broken. It was horrible, I wanted to die."

"Us, you say us and we. Who else was there? Family?" Absalom looked to see who was giving attention- no one, good. Flash only nodded his head and tightened his eyes, the gathered tears spilling freely.

"Flash, don't worry. You're family is still there, they're still alive and fighting. So you should too, just not like this. The alpha left you alive for a purpose; he wants you to get stronger, to fight him and win. He wants you to fight, but not like this, fight smart." Absalom wasn't sure about Flash's past but hoped what he put together would get through to him.

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