▼Trimming The Fur

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Ange stepped into the near blinding light on top of the roof where he knew he'd find Dèlan, track being the correct word because he sniffed him out.

"How'd I know you'd be up here?" Ange grinned then spoke loud enough for Dèlan to hear.

"Cuz you're a moron." Ange grinned wider, Dèlan frowned at the unnecessary comment and looked at Ange momentarily from the ground with his back against the wall and looking over the horizon.

"Honestly, I never thought I'd find you here. It's lunch hour, I thought you'd be with Chloe." Dèlan just shook his head in acknowledgement.

"What that low life beta said had me going on. I'm just out here weeding the weak and trimming the fur." Dèlan remained calm and poised in his seated position. Ange studied the phrase for a while and looked at Dèlan; he was unusually calm and level headed. Ange was there when Absalom went on about another alpha. Granted Ange always skepticised about there being another alpha but it was only to keep Dèlan alerted and not laid back. Now it seemed he was being too laid back and it scared him seeing Dèlan so calm, it put him in a mental state that made his head spin.

"Don't tell me you've killed someone." He prodded.

"Don't be ridiculous. If there is another alpha, I need to feel him out and do it discretely." Ange feared what he just heard; Dèlan really was being calm about it all. Maybe he should step back and follow in his steps, after all Dèlan was his alpha.

"So, what's the layout so far?" Ange lowered his voice to a more business like tone.

"I'm sensing about ten wolves, subtracting you guys and the lowlifes I beat up, there's six left. Two are girls; I'm not about to beat up on a woman- so don't go for a second thinking that I think women are weak. I bet if this so called alpha was female I would have one heck of a time." Dèlan kept his voice steady.

"Two more, they were omegas; I tracked each to a general area and the responses I got were very weak. I didn't bother go looking for them, I know a beta would've given a much stronger signal and would want to assert some form of dominance." Ange was amazed at how mature Dèlan was acting; did he have this inside all the time or the thought of another alpha just pushing him into high gear?

"That leaves two betas, being honest; all this searching and being calm really had me riled up so I was ready for a fight with either one of those betas I came across. It turns out the first beta is a second year so he's somewhat known and always had himself surrounded by people. I could take my time and work my way to him but with the potential threat of another alpha, I'd not want to waste time." Dèlan exhaled before letting out a low growl. Opening his eyes, Ange caught the red glow against the sunlight. Dèlan willed himself to calm down again.

"I swear if that jerk Absalom was pulling my leg about another alpha, I will break his bones beyond healing. And that's grim even for a guy like me." He snarled low sounding dark and malicious. Ange knew Dèlan's personality and what he was capable of but to see it was something else.

"So what's the plan now?" Ange prodded again leaning a little to look Dèlan in the face.

"The only thing to do now." He faced him directly, "Find the last beta and make him mine." Ange became astonished.

"I thought this was trial of strength? Unless you are just taking random betas now, I don't think it's wise to assume someone's power." Dèlan looked at Ange and lost the serious face, tossing him a smirk and a laugh that was just an exhaled breath.

"I've got a good feeling about this one."


"You know this is the first time I'm technically witnessing you recruit a beta. Nonetheless this is still college and you're both still 'human' boys." Ange air quoted as they walked across the campus grounds towards some destination unknown to Ange.

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