▲Just Felt Like It

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"Flash! Oh my gosh, can't you pay attention for a second?" Solis elbowed Flash in his side, he winced and gave her a dirty look.

"What was that for?" He rubbed his side that felt very nervous. Solis bit her lip.

"Like you'd ever know." She pouted, "I was saying there's a concert thing this evening in the Fine Arts and Theatre Faculty. I wanted you to come along."

"Wait, isn't that your faculty?"

"Give him a prize, he's been paying attention in class." Solis mumbled nonchalantly, this time Flash nudged her on the shoulder playfully.

"Anyway, it's the students in music from the Theatre Department that's putting it on. It would be nice if you would come along."

"What makes you think I want to go?" He prodded inquisitive.

"Because I'm going." She stated as-a-matter-factly, she was very demanding.

"You're really taking this 'you're my sister' thing to an extreme." He stated awaiting a response he didn't receive.

"What's always on your mind though?" Solis inquired. Flash could simply answer that question; he was still trying to find the alpha. However if he told her that she would just call him obsessed. Flash knew this wasn't healthy, but still. He contemplated how to excuse himself but Solis got to him first.

"Whatever became of the guy we stalked on Monday?"

"Hmm?" Was his response.

"Come on. I'm entertaining one of your delusional fantasies and you still don't pay attention?" Solis shook her head in disbelief. Flash splayed a fake hurt and showed it even though it actually hurt that she would call his problem a delusion.

"You mean the beta?" He asked looking down at his feet descending a flight of steps.

"No, I mean Malcom." She stopped on the stairs and rolled her eyes, "I don't know anything about a beta. I thought you were looking for an 'alpha'." She air quoted and rolled her neck. Flash stopped and looked at her- furrowing his brows, it was painful to see her like this.

"Solis, why are you so angry? When I first met you- well I thought you were crazy." He momentarily reflected on their first real meeting. "But you were this bubbly, ever smiling chick." He climbed the steps until his eyes met hers directly- she wasn't very short, just maybe by a half inch or so.

"I am." She flailed her arms tantrum like, "It's just that here I was thinking you were a cool looking guy, that likes animals and I could hang with."

"You think I'm cool?" He arched an eyebrow with a smirk. Solis met his eyes again quizzically as if it really was the time to be arrogant. She pushed on his chest and walked down the stairs ahead of him.

"Being honest I thought you were a geek with that outfit." She let sink in, "But you still stuck out and I could do that. I like unique." She confessed.

"But then you had to go on about this werewolf thing." He couldn't see but her words sounded as if she had just rolled her eyes again.

"Okay, I get that." Flash ran it over in his mind; in a sense if he met someone that was a vampire and was bent on finding their lord, he would probably be upset all the same.

"But I thought werewolves and stuff were like the pinnacle of favoured mythology?"

"In books Einstein. You're like a nutcase that is deluded about some dream he had on the first night in the madhouse." Solis bit at him. Again; unhealthy obsession, Solis was right but this wasn't a dream or anything. Flash was dealing with a real alpha problem; okay, that to him sounded crazy being in Solis' shoes. He had no real proof of an alpha existing in the college, it was all hear say and even then the only proof had already healed given the weeks Absalom spent away to recover.

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