▲... Unless It's Three Plus Me Part 2

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"So what are you going to do now?" Absalom stopped Flash on a lawn piece with Lucky looking on.

"What do you mean? I have to go oversee the play, you just said so." Flash pursed his lips.

"I know but Dèlan..." Absalom drifted his words as Lucky grew closer.

"Trust me Absalom, I know." Flash looked him directly in the eye, Absalom saw the adrenaline already running through with anxiety and a whole host of emotions in his eyes; Flash wanted to save Solis as bad as Dèlan was on his mind.

"I have to do this little thing and I promise I will be on the way for Solis." His gaze softened.

"So you know what you're going to do then?"

"Not quite, not yet, no." Absalom was worried now. "But I will carry on as I said- as humanly possible. However, I need your help." Absalom raised a brow.

"Is there anything I can do?" Lucky stepped in not wanting to feel left out, Flash exhaled softly and looked at Lucky.

"Luck, listen, I'm sorry man. I've been a terrible friend keeping the past two years from you heck, my entire life! But I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you and I wasn't there to at least help."

"Flash, relax." Locksley used his name, "I just want that you don't skimp me on anything that involves our friendship again. And before you say you being a werewolf has nothing to do with me then you're wrong because we were both in it from day one." Lucky held up his hand to silence Flash from interjecting, then kept it there for a high-five. Flash smiled to himself, how could he not- Lucky was his best friend for years.

"Fine," He kept his smile, "but let's keep moving; let's assume they know what we look like and we don't want them seeing us together."

"So where are we going then?" Absalom asked feeling eyes on his back now.

"A casual walk, we're going to the Theatre Faculty. Now, Absalom as I said- your help. I don't know what those other two betas look like, could you help me?"

"Umm sure, but why?"

"Once again; humanly possible, I can see I will have to continuously repeat myself. There's strength in numbers, human and wolf alike. However as any good strategist should know; break and decrease the number of opponents. It's basically four on two right?"

"Umm..." Absalom was hesitant, Flash could sense it and the fear but still asked.

"What's wrong?" He gave him full attention.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping you and all but those guys scare the hell out of me." Absalom was more than embarrassed to say.

"That's okay, I just need you to point them out." Flash paused before continuing, "How do you feel as being live bait?" Absalom looked at him stricken but swallowed nonetheless, it was the most he could do after selling him out and all.

"Sure that sounds easy enough as long as I can be rescued in one piece." Flash spared him a laugh.

"What about me now?" Lucky called attention to himself.

"You? I want you to go find Solis."

"What?! You want me to track an alpha?" Flash pulled his hand over Locksley's mouth.

"Could you be any louder? No. I want you to find Solis, you've got eyes for spotting girls so find her. Just don't call me or anything, keep tabs on them I'll find you. Dèlan is expecting me any moment so he will be alert. Don't draw attention to yourself." Flash warned him sternly, Lucky couldn't reply verbally so nodded instead.

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