▼Master Plan

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"Guy was such a brush off, barely a challenge." Dèlan braced himself against a wall dusting off his hoodie. Ange stood not too far from him near a water fountain, he watched as a short blonde came up to the fountain, wet her lips and leave. Not caring for the personal space much he looked at Dèlan who gave him a look of disgust.

"You just couldn't step to the side and let the girl have a drink?" He got on his case.

"I should be the one angry at you. Never mind my manners, was that your master-plan?" Ange got slightly loud approaching Dèlan a few feet.

"Beating up one small beta; no. Trimming the fat for the lean; now there's a plan." Dèlan shot Ange his prized smile. Ange rolled his eyes.

"You do know they're more ways to recruit members other than beating them to a bloody pulp right? Furthermore, why are you even building one, I told you we're safe as long as we're here."

"That's most of the time, and besides they can get in this place, it's not like this place is a military camp or something, it's a college Ange." Dèlan continued brushing while looking at the walls trying to identify any weakness in it.

"So that's the plan, that's your elaborate scheme, the won over Master Plan; to weed out the weak and keep the strong. How will you know who's strong?"

"If they can either last or kick my tail. And we both know the latter can't happen." He cocked a sly grin. Ange kept rolling his eyes at the boasting and arrogance. Granted Dèlan was alpha but he was only as strong as his pack was, he couldn't rely on his brute strength alone. Ange guessed that in that sense it was right to form a pack, but with such a method as this?

"How'd you know he was a werewolf though?" Ange finally asked.

"Do you remember that day at orientation? After I left the auditorium? You felt that right?"

"Yea, it was you."

"And what did you do?"

"What I couldn't help doing you mean; I responded."

"Good, you weren't the only one."

"Interesting, so how many are there?" Dèlan chuckled at Ange's knowledge, he honestly asked himself how long was Ange a werewolf before he himself got turned.

"About nine or so, well eight because that guy earlier didn't fit the bill to my standards." Dèlan held off the wall and walked with Ange.

"Did you even get a name?"

"Not like it's worth remembering but, Absalom." Dèlan exhaled then a boy came up to him. Dèlan saw him but didn't do anything as his size compared to the boy was majorly different.

"Excuse me, but do either of you know where room LA203 is?" Ange held his breath and watched as Dèlan studied the boy. Looking at them from his position, Dèlan could easily break some bones in this kid's body and without his wolf strength- no joke, Dèlan had a look of steel and concentration on his face.

"I'm a first year too so I'm not too familiar with the campus, sorry." Dèlan threw him a smile before letting him pass. Ange looked at him in utter shock and his jaw was testament to it.

"What?" Dèlan rocked back away from him with the smirk.

"Were you just nice?"

"Pssh, you make it seem as if I'm a bad guy." Dèlan shoved his hands in his hoodie before continuing to walk.

"I know what you're thinking. How can I beat up a guy earlier and just be nice to someone else even though both were innocent." Dèlan probed Ange's thoughts.

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