▲Getting Acquainted

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Flash was starting to regret his Wednesday evening elective class; Literature was beginning to be a bore. For two months they've been reading and analyzing poetry. Flash swore to himself that if he had to find the literary devices or tones in a piece one more time, he was going to write a tragedy before performing his own.

Swinging his bag down from his shoulder onto the table and throwing himself lazily in his seat he watched as the other students filed in. One of those students turned out to be the student help from orientation day. She hadn't seemed to notice him and not once did she make eye contact with him- let alone look his direction. Flash didn't know why he kept checking for her- it were his words that day that were meant to give her a break. Somehow her response to him kept her on his mind and he just wanted to say hi again.

She sat in her usual seat- In the same row on the other side of the class. She looped her bag over the back of the chair and sat twiddling her thumbs as she usually did- Flash was certain today she was going to notice him. Like every class once she arrived early she would sit and observe the class- not the she was nervous or anything that he believed but she liked to know who she was around, ironically she never noticed him.

This was going to be it however; the lecturer hadn't come as yet and others were still filing in, she was doing her weekly observations- her eyes touching down on everyone that entered the room from the left and making their way to the right side where he sat. She was only two more people away and he felt himself getting nervous for nothing really. Composing himself and trying to act natural, he looked back over to her and saw she was talking to someone already.

Flash rolled his eyes and exhaled a bit too hard gathering the attention of those seated near to him. He cleared his throat again sat upright looking out the window- he was honestly working up himself over this for no reason.

"Good afternoon class." Flash looked back around at the lecturer entering the class; she was short and shapely, and late. It was already twenty minutes past one. The rule at the college was that if the lecturer or tutors, whoever couldn't make it by a certain time- then class for that time would be automatically cancelled. It seemed that the lecturers were lenient with their timing but would drag the sanity out of a student if they were tardy.

"Okay, we will be moving on today from poetry; I hope everyone has understood everything carefully." Flash rolled his eyes, he didn't care if he understood or not he just wanted to move on from poetry.

"Right. Now we will be moving onto drama. Who here has ever read Shakespeare?" She smiled perfectly and some students put their hands in the air. Flash groaned exasperatedly he hated himself more and more for putting literature on the sheet. From poetry to dramatic poetry as he thought on it- Flash mentally punched himself over and over getting mad at himself.

He knew he wasn't keeping any noise or shuffling uneasily but when he looked across at the girl with the purple streak, he saw her friend was staring at him. It was a look of shock at first and he didn't mind because he could be a bit weird sometimes, but that look turned to one of confusion or more of skepticism which crept him out. Flash tried to remain calm but he could still feel her gaze on him.

"Oh great. Now she's going to tell her friend what a weird guy is in their class. Not exactly how I wanted our first meeting to turn out. Well second." He thought to himself sinking into his seat, he peeped over at the two girls and saw the friend had turned the majority of her attention away from him but still side glanced him ever so often.

"Now if you could turn in your last poetry analysis, we can officially wrap that up and move on." Flash threw his head back forgetting he had to do that for today's class. It was actually the farthest thing away from his mind the night before and now he was dreading getting a bad grade. Flash watched as everyone got up and turned in their papers and he was hoping the lecturer wouldn't look his direction and call him out.

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