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Warning: Before you start reading this story, just beware that there may be a number of typos, grammatical errors and such. I haven't had the chance to proofread and edit it as yet, but I will get there. Please just see with me.

No part of this story is to be reproduced, copied or used in any form without written permission from author. Copyright © SanC-Rylie. All Rights Reserved.


People often say, behind every strong and independent woman, there were days when she was alone and helpless. Behind every heartless woman, there is an idiot who had done her wrong. Behind her strength and courage, lies battles and struggles which she fought and endured alone.

What do I say? I say behind every woman there is a story. A story that no one else knows until she decides to share it. I too, have a story and this is my story.


I was upstairs in my room sleeping when I heard the house alarms going off. I tried ignoring it, hoping that mom or dad would soon get up and turn it off. For some unknown reason, our alarm system kept going off from time to time. It had been happening for the past couple of days and we hadn't quite figured out what kept setting it off.

Dad had planned to call in the alarm company so that they could get it fix but he still hadn't gotten around to it.
I covered my ears with my pillow as I tried to go back to sleep but the alarm still blared throughout the house making it quite impossible.

Ugh! Stupid thing.

Why hasn't anyone gone to turn it off? I thought to myself as I got up and looked at my clock. The clock showed that it was only 10:15pm. I sighed as I threw my feet off the bed and headed to my door, prepared to shut off the dreaded thing.

If you wanted something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

Mom and dad normally would've gotten up to check things, then turn the alarm off but it seemed as if they couldn't be bothered anymore. I was just out of my room when I heard mom whispering in a frightened tone.

"Honey, if someone is in the house we should wait for the police," mom whispered to dad.

"Mom, Dad!" I called out, "What is going on?"

"Kathleen, shhhhh. Sweetie, get back in your room now!" dad exclaimed to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked suddenly becoming scared as my voice lowered and my eyes widened frantically.

"We think that someone broke in. Go back to your room and lock the door." mom said to me.

"I'm going to check it out," Dad said as he tiptoed downstairs with a baseball bat in his hand.

"Honey, be careful." mom cried out with caution evident in her voice.

"Everything is going to be fine dear. Take Kathleen and go back in the room," dad said to her with a grim expression, "I'll go take care of things."

"Come on sweetie," mom said as she put her arm around me and lead me back into my room. "Don't worry dear, the police will soon be here."

"Mom, I'm scared."

"It's okay, the cops are on their way. Everything will be fine." Mom smiled reassuringly to me as she tried to calm me down.

It wasn't long before we heard gunshots and the sound of things breaking downstairs.

"Oh my God. Charlton!" Mom gasped my dad's name. "Sweetie, stay right here." she said before leaving me in the room.

"Mom, no!" I ran after her, racing through the corridor.

Everything happened so fast. Mom rushed down the stairs and I tried following shortly behind. The only thing I saw was when one of the two guys that stood at the foot of the stairs fired shots at my mom. I screamed out as mom collapsed and tumbled down the remainder of stairs right next to where my dad laid suffering from gunshot wounds as well.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed in shock.

One of the guys ran and the other one, who had shot my mom stood for a second with the gun still pointed at me. Our eyes met and I swore that this was it. He was going to shoot me too. I stared at him with frightened eyes as I tried to understand why this was happening to my family. Just as I closed my eyes, knowing that I would fall to the ground and join my parents, police sirens blared loudly right outside.

"Idiot! Come on, we have to go! The cops are here!" The guy who ran first shouted to the one who stood with the gun pointed in my direction.

He looked as if he was conflicted at the moment but eventually ran away leaving me unharmed.

"No! Mom! Dad!" I cried as I ran towards their lifeless looking bodies. "Please...don't die."

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