Chapter 15

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Throughout the drive back home I couldn't help the feeling of being victorious. I mean, I had finally gotten revenge for my parents' death. I could not help the grin that was plastered on my face.

“What's so funny?” Marc asked as he glanced at me then back at the road.

“Nothing, I'm just feeling great” I smiled as I relaxed more into my seat.

“I wonder why.” Marc snorted.

“Let's just say that I've just done something I had wanted to do for a long time now, I chuckled then sighed happily.

“What? A little casual five minutes hook up in a public bathroom?” Marc scoffed in disapproval.

“Marc sweetie, you'd be surprised at how well things went during that very short casual five minutes bathroom hookup” I replied.

“Yeah right” Marc replied sarcastically. “So have you figured out anything... besides where the bathroom is?”

“Don't worry your pretty little head about what happened in that bathroom Marc” I said playfully before I shifted back to a serious tone.

“However, I had learned that the club's owner is a Mr. Cavelli, and he visits whenever his mind tells him.”

“Cavelli? Hmm.” Marc nodded.

Two Days Later

I had just finished showering, got dressed, and headed downstairs when I heard Dominic's voice.

“So Mom where is Lexi?” I heard him asked, “Is she here”

“She's upstairs dear.” Mom replied.

“I thought I heard my name,” I said as I reached into the living room.

Dominic and Marc were there along with mom. Whenever Dominic showed up like this and Marc there at his side, it most definitely meant that something was up, or I had done something that I was not aware of.

“Hey” I greeted them.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Dominic asked as he looked directly at me.

“Yeah sure, I'm going in their” I pointed towards the kitchen then headed towards it.

“Are you out of your damn mind!?” Dominic whisper yelled as he followed me into the kitchen.

“What did I do?” I asked innocently as I looked at both him and Marc.

“What the hell happened Friday night with that guy!?” He asked furiously.

“What guy?” I feigned ignorance, but I knew exactly what he was talking about, so I directed a little glare at Marc.

“Don't look at me” Marc shrugged and held up his hands before folding them over his chest.

“Are you crazy? You can't just go around doing stuff like that to random people!” Dominic fumed.

“What!? Who says I was the one to kill him?” I said defensively before I realized my mistake “Oh crap”

“Oh my God, she is guilty” Marc looked at me like I had two heads.

I wasn't sure if Dominic was talking about killing the guy, but now I was sure I had given myself away. He had only said I can't just go around doing 'stuff like that' to random people. He hadn't specified what 'stuff like that' was nor did he promptly say I can't go around killing random people.

“I told you she was the one who killed that guy,” Dominic said to Marc.

“I'm surprised, I mean who would have thought? I had no idea you were that devious Lexi” Marc said with his arms still folded over his chest.

I groaned and closed my eyes before opening them and put an innocent look on my face.

“Don't even try to deny it” Dominic pointed at me, “That is your signature move. To kill someone and never cleans up”

“I'm not denying it, but you can't prove anything, just like how no one else can,” I said to him, “And there are just certain jobs that I leave to the experts... cleaning up for example”

“You have any idea how you could have exposed us!?” Dominic was furious, “Going in public, killing a man and leaving him there for the world to find”.

“This had nothing to do with you or anyone else!” I yelled at him as my anger rose.

“Lexi, what really happened in that restroom? I thought you just went ahead and hooked up with some random guy” Marc said to me.

“Well, you thought wrong. Look, Ethan or whatever his name was, and I have a history,” I sighed rubbing my hand down my face.

“What kind of history could...” Dominic started before I cut him off.

“He was one of the guys who killed my parents okay?” I finally told them “That night... I saw him killed my mom right in front of my eyes. I thought he was going to kill me too, and he might've done so if the police hadn't arrived and his friend called him. After I recognized him tonight, there was no way I was letting him walked out of there alive”

“I had no idea” Dominic replied his voice calmed as he seemed to have finally understood the motive behind my actions.

“Of course you didn't” I sighed.

“Did you know he was going to be there?” Marc asked.

“Marc, that's a stupid question. I just told you I recognized him tonight. Do you think if I had known where to find this guy I would've waited until now? Of course, I didn't know. The hell, if I would have even thought he'd be here in America after all these years.” I sighed, “Look he killed my parents years ago, and now he was just unfortunate enough to try and hook up with the wrong girl- a revengeful daughter. I tried to be as careful as possible, I made sure not to leave any evidence or anything behind. Now can we please just drop it? “

“Okay, I understand.” Dominic sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, But you need to be more careful in your doing.”

“I'm always careful,” I answered, Look, I'm not a child, and I'm not stupid. I'm cautious of how I do things. And whatever I do, you don't need to worry about it exposing the group in any way”.

“I trust you.” Dominic nod.

“Good. Because you need to if we're going to make things work.”

“We never got much information the other night.” Marc changed the topic, “So we'll check out the club Friday again?”

“Yeah sure.” I smiled at him.

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