Chapter 9

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*Three Years Later*

I was seventeen years old and still lived with the Luciano. They had remained great as usual. I had eventually grown accustomed to calling them Mom and Dad and felt like I was their biological daughter. Time healed the wounds and even though the loss of my parents was a great trauma, I had eventually gotten over it in some ways.
Dominic had gone off to university. Before he went away he and I had somehow become civil with each other. It wasn't something that I would have ever thought would happen, but we were eventually able to have a civil conversation. It took some time but we had eventually gotten there. It started because Dominic had a crush on Zara who happened to be the sister of my good friend Zena. He wanted to look good in the eyes of Zara and felt that I could get him close to her. It started with him asking me for favors in putting in a good word for him but when I had told him that I hardly have much good I could say, that was when we sort of gotten close. He and Zara had eventually dated for a while, but I guess it just never worked out after they separated for college. Dominic visited from time to time and I guess that years and maturity somewhat sealed the rift between us.

I had started dating when I was sixteen and had been in a relationship with my first real boyfriend Raphael for over a year.
What can I say? All of my friends were already dating long before me but when I had met Raphael, I figured what the hell. And that was when I jumped on the dating wagon. Raphael was older than I by three years, he was 20 at the time, and I was 17. We met when I was 16 years old, and he was 19. One day I had a flat tire, and he helped me out, ever since then, we had been together.

Dad had gotten me a car for my 16th birthday, and even though he hated me traveling and going out by myself- because he said that it was way too dangerous for me -I had managed to convince him that I'd be fine and didn't need a bodyguard.

Over the years I had noticed that he often seemed to be extremely fearful for me to be out too late, it was like he had gotten super overprotective of me. Throughout the years of getting to know each other more, we often hung out like in a father-daughter setting, and he had even taken me to a firing range. He taught me how to handle and fire guns at targets as well as how to load a gun. Those were sessions that we used to bond. He knew that I was afraid of guns at the time because of what had happened to my parents, so I guess that was his way of helping me get over my fear. Even though mom hadn't been too keen on the idea of me handling guns, she had confessed that she thought it was necessary though.

I had noticed Dad had been acting weird lately. It was like there was a ticking time bomb that was waiting to go off at any time. Sometimes he actually scared me when he was like this. It was like he knew that something was coming or going to happen while others didn't.

The night when things finally became clear to me, I was in bed when my phone rang. I smiled when I looked at the caller's ID before answering.

“Hey” I smiled with the phone at my ear.

“Hey baby, I've been thinking about you,” Raphael said over the phone which caused me to blush.

“Really? What about exactly?” I asked in a seductive voice.

“I don't know, why don't you come outside, and I'll show you” he chuckled.

“What? You're outside now? Babe, it's almost eleven” I asked as I got up and looked through the window and of course saw his car outside the gate.

“Uh yeah, I was thinking we could hang out tonight,” he said.

“Raph, you know my parents would kill me if they found out I sneaked out,” I said to him even though I still took up my jacket and got dressed.

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