Chapter 35

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Lexi's POV

"Lexi I think it would be best if you take a few days off. Stay home until we figure out who the threat is." Dad said to me. "You almost got kidnapped a few days ago, whoever it is that wanted you is surely pissed right now that his men didn't returned. Don't think he's gonna give up just like that."

"I can't just give up my life like that hiding from some mob boss." I said frustrated.

Ever since I had almost got taken, everyone had been extremely protective of me. I hadn't left the house since because of that but I had became very frustrated by the situation. I hated having to be living in fear that I was going to be killed or kidnapped even worst by some mafia member. My bruises from that day had eventually faded thankfully and so I was fit to go out in public without anyone asking me questions.

"I know it sucks dear but it is for your own protection." mom said to me.

Apparently she had been through something similar as well when she had just became involved with Dad. But I couldn't stand it anymore, I felt as if I was going out my mind just staying there at home. I needed to get out.

"Please, Dad I have to go out today. I can't stay locked up here hiding much longer. I can handle myself but in case you think I can't, just send your guys to watch me then because I need to go out today."

"Alright," Dad sighed. "Dominic had planned to get Ian and Pietro to be your bodyguards anyway so I guess I'll just call them now."

"Thank you." I smiled then hugged him.

Hey, surprised to see me?" I asked Gio with a smile as I entered his office.

"In fact I am. When you just called and asked me where I was then hung up, I was definitely not expecting a visit." Gio replied.

"Is this your decent way of telling me that you don't want me here?" I asked.

"What? No, of course not." he replied quickly.

"I'm just messing with you." I chuckled.

I walked around his office as I looked around and admired it. It was just as amazing as his penthouse. I proceeded in making a few small talks with him as I continued to looked around. When I was finished admiring his office, I turned back to him.

"Wow, nice office." I said to Gio.

The first place I had went after I had left home, was to go check up on my restaurant after which I went too Fantastica, where Gio had an office.

"Well thank you." Gio smiled as he leaned back in his chair and watched me intensely.

"You're welcome," I smiled, "Why are looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" Gio asked innocently.

"Like you're trying to analyse me or something or as if I've done something wrong." I replied.

The look on Gio's face was indeed one which said analysing.

"Sorry, its just that you've been in here for more than ten minutes now but you've kept your distance from me ever since. I mean you're way over there and I'm way over here. So I'm trying to figure out what's wrong. Bored with me already?" Gio said playfully but I knew what he said wasn't as playful as it sounds.

He was indeed serious and trying to play it off.

"Maybe I was just enjoying the view of you from over here, besides you look hot behind a desk." I smiled at him as I went over to where he sat.

"Is that so?" Gio smirked as I went and stood directly in front him.

"Yeah, most definitely." I replied before I straddled his lap and started to kiss him.

Gio placed his hands on both of my thighs as he returned my kiss. My arms were locked around his neck and my fingers ran through his hair.
We were so caught up making out that we weren't even paying much attention to anything else until the door flew opened.

"Excuse me?" We stopped immediately when the voice spoke.

I turned my head to see the blonde woman whom I had told that I came to see Gio just a few minutes ago. She stood there at the door with some files and a tablet in her hands. She was obviously older than I was maybe about 25 or 26 years old.

"Mr.Cavelli I'm so sorry, I was buzzing you and I knocked but didn't hear a reply. I thought something may have happened to you." the blonde woman said.

"What is it Stacey?" Gio held me in place on his lap.

"There's a Mr Guliani here to see you, he said he doesn't have an appointment but that I should let you know he's here. That you'll want to see him." Stacy sounded a bit annoyed.

I tried to hold in my chuckle but failed. That was exactly the same thing I had said to her when I came there to see Gio. It was definitely funny hearing that someone else had came ahead and used the exact same line to her.

"Thank you Stacey, I'll be right there." Gio said to her.

"Okay sir." Stacey replied as she threw me a glare before she left.

"I guess its time I let you go then." I said to him as I placed one last kiss on his lips then got off his lap.

"And by the way, your secretary hates me." I chuckled.

"Why would she hate you?" Gio asked.

"You tell me." I smirked at him.

"I know what you're thinking, and no. Stacey and I have never been involved anyway other than professionally." Gio responded.

"Well if you say so, Mr. Cavelli." I teased as I  tried to mimicked Stacey's voice.

"Stop it." Gio chuckled as he stood up as well. "You don't have anywhere else important to be today, do you?"

"Well no, today was kinda like my day off." I replied. "Why? Trying to get rid of me already?" I teased.

"Well how about waiting for me here or in my penthouse until I'm done. I promised you I won't be long." Gio said to me.

"Okay, I guess I could do that." I smiled at him.

"And sleep over too?" Gio asked.

"I don't know, I haven't got any other clothes here beside these." I gestured to the clothes I wore.

"Don't worry about that, just say yes." Gio said,  "Please?"

"Oh. Alright." I finally agreed. "I'll stay over."

"Good. Now come on I'll escort you up to my penthouse suite."

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