Chapter 16

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Friday night

“Maybe I should drive my car tonight,” I said to Marc when he came to pick me up for our ride to the club.

“What? Why?” Marc looked at me confused.

“I just had a thought... What if somebody that was there last week, is there tonight again and saw us came together last week but never hang out together, then tonight doing the same thing? Wouldn't that look a bit suspicious?” I asked him.

“Where the hell did all that came from?” Marc looked at me weirdly.

“I told you, it's just a thought that came to me a couple of minutes ago,” I replied.

“Well that's a stupid thought, and that wasn't a part of our plan” Marc deadpan.

“Well, I think we should have a change of plans tonight,” I said to him.

“Lexi,” Marc said in a warning tone.

“Marc. Just for tonight, okay. We'll be behind each other all the way and at the same place, we just won't be in the same car. Now come on” I said to him as I ushered him out the house not waiting for him to further object to my suggestion.


When we had reached the club, the instant change in the environment was obvious. It was a different scene and feeling than the week before. There was more security now, and there weren't as many people present as the week before. I headed to the bar just as I did last week, Marc had come to the bar area as well and ordered a drink then disappeared back into a corner once more.

I sat down and ordered a drink from the bartender. It was the same one from last week.

“You're here again.” he smiled at me as he places my drink in front of me.

“Yeah, I just needed to get out this weekend again after a long week of work,” I said to him as I took a sip of my drink.

“I totally understand” he smiled at me.

After a few minutes, I noticed there was a bit of commotion. Two guys were being escorted out of the club, they must've been in some sort of fight. I looked around and also noticed a group of three men talking to each other in one area. They were all dressed in dark expensive-looking jacket suits and something about them just screamed authority and power. Also, the way most people kept glancing at them and nodding at them in a form of acknowledgment whenever they passed by. At one point I saw one of the men seemingly shouting at another.

“What's all that about?” I asked the bartender who was still at my side of the counter.

“It has been a bit chaotic in here since last week,” he informed me, “Everyone is a bit on edge.”

“Why?” I asked as I feigned ignorant, although I had a very good idea of what had caused all the chaos and I think I played a big part in it.

“Some guy was found dead in the bathroom last week,” he replied.

“Oh my gosh! What? That's awful. What happened?” I still pretended to be clueless.

“He was stabbed in the neck, it was terrible.” the bartender replied, “He was found by another patron who reported it. The place had been crawling with police, and it has been really frustrating.”

“That's horrible, do they have any idea who did it?”

“Not at all, and that's the strangest part. Not one suspect, so now the boss has been here almost every night since trying to smooth out things” he replied.

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