Chapter 33

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It was a little passed 4:00 in the evening and I had planned to go home a little earlier from work than usual. I had felt as if I was totally drained for the day hence I decided that I would head on home. I had made my way outside the restaurant and went around to the parking lot to get my car. I had opened the driver's door and threw my bag in, I was about to climbed into the drivers seat when I suddenly felt someone snuck up on me. I barely had any time to react as I was dragged out. My reflex kicked in as I elbowed the person behind me but received a blow to the head which stunned me long enough
to be dragged and pushed into a car.

"Make the call now, we've got the girl." I heard someone said.

I groaned as I tried to get rid of the pain and focused on what the hell had happened.

"Just corporate with us and you'll be fine." A guy said to me as he jammed the gun at my temple which prevented me from turning to see his face. Even though I had a gun jammed to my head I still tried to get a look at who my captors were.

"I'd keep steady if I were you baby doll." the guy with the gun pointed to my head said.

"What do you want with me that?" I asked as calmly as possible as I kept my head steady and stared ahead.

I was able to noticed that there were only two of them. The one who had obviously grabbed me and the driver. However, I was unable to see any of them faces.

"Shut up! You don't get to ask questions, the boss will when we take you to him." he sneered.

"What the hell? What boss!?" I yelled which earned me a slap across my left cheek.

I yelped as I held my face which burnt like hell from the slap he had given me. I was actually surprised that he hadn't used the gun he had to my head.

"You're the key to making sure the boss's plan is successful." The guy responded.

"Okay, so you two are like his goons or something?" I decided to pushed my luck some more despite what had happened.

I had a gun in the waist of my jeans but it was impossible to retrieved it without the guy beside me noticing. He still had a gun jammed to my head and I hadn't wanted to risked him shooting me if he realised that I too had a gun and tried to retrieve it. I knew that I needed to buy myself some time or found a way to get access to my gun.

"I wouldn't test Tank if I were you sweetheart," the guy who drove said to me.

"I'm sure he would have no problem really in putting a bullet in your skull."

I sat quiet for a while and watched as the car sped with me as it went to 'I don't know where'. Within the week prior to the incident, Dad had practically beaten it into my skull that I should never be without my weapons and I had decided to let him breathe easier by tucking the gun to my waist whenever I was out. What he had said to me had actually made sense and considering the incident with Glen, I knew he was right. But being in that car with my captors- unknown to them- I had a gun on me but was unable to used it because I had a gun to my head and was being watched like a hawk.

"So you're seriously not going to tell me anything? I don't know what you guys want with me but who is your boss and what does he want?" I asked once again.

"I said shut up! When you get there you'll know. You're gonna be such a great asset to the boss." the guy who had hit me earlier yelled.

"She may even be a little fun," the guy driving chuckled evilly. "Who knows? Maybe when the boss decide to get rid of you we'll beg him for you and we'll get you as our personal toy."

"You're sick!" I yelled at him. "You're f..." Another hit across my face caused my sentence to be cut short. This time due to the force of the slap, my head hit against the side of the door.

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