Chapter 5

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I had lived in New York with the Luciano's for over a month and things had been considerably well. The transition period for me wasn't easy, but I had promised Alphonso and Katherine that I would have tried to adjust. There were nights when I cried myself to sleep because at times I could not just bury the memories of my parents along with them. It took time, but I was eventually getting better slowly but surely.

Even though the process where the Luciano's got the license to became my foster parents were short, the process of officially adopting me took a while longer. Almost every week, social workers flew out to New York to check on things with my living situation as well as to asked questions to ensure that I was being taken care of properly and wasn't being abused. Due to my situation being extremely sensitive, Alphonso, Katherine, and Ella had always tried their best to make me as comfortable as possible. Dominic was a different story. He never exactly bullied me in any way or anything, but I knew that he was still not okay with the fact that I was now a part of his family. He hadn't talked to me much unless it was a case where Alphonso or Katherine gave him some sort of message to give me, or he wanted to tell me to get out of his way. Though he and I weren't best buddies, I didn't mind being at home with him as part of the family. For the most part, he avoided me like a plague, and I was alright with that.

As time went by, I learned more information about the Luciano's. I had learned that Alphonso was in the hotel and restaurant business and also owned a couple. Katherine was a certified psychologist/ therapist who worked from home via the internet. Her consultation sessions with clients took place via video calls. Katherine had tried her best to get through to me and got me to open up to her. She had become my therapist and through the sessions, she had with me, I've noticed that she always tried to get me to see them as actual parent figures. I did see them as parent figures, but it was a bit difficult to see them as mine. After all, we had only known each other for over a month. However, I had promised them that I would try to transition, therefore I had decided to put some effort into it.

“So we've got some news,” Alphonso announced one evening when we were at dinner.

“Is that good news or bad news?” Dominic asked as he stuffed his face.

“It is good news for us,” Alphonso responded. “The adoption process is almost completed.”

“Are you serious?!” Dominic and I responded simultaneously, though his tone was way different from mine.

I was surprised as well as overjoyed while he was most likely shocked and disappointed.

“Yes seriously,” Katherine smiled “Just a week remaining and then everything will be final.”

“Oh my God, I can't believe it.” I smiled. I was near speechless due to being so surprised. I had no idea that things would have worked out that quickly.

“Believe it,” Alphonso responded, “We can start on getting the papers sorted and add Luciano to your name if you want. We could make it official, although it is totally up to you if you would want to add our name to yours now that you'd be officially adopted, or if you'd like to keep your name as it is.”

“I guess I would like that,” I responded even though I stopped myself from looking in Dominic's direction.

I knew his expression or the death glare he would probably throw at me wouldn't be good.

“I've been always thinking...with everything that has happened. I would love it if I could just start start life anew. If I am taking your last name, I would also want to change my first name. I just feel like a new name would make me feel like a somewhat new person. Maybe... maybe this will actually help me to move on.”

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