Chapter 14

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I had finished gotten ready and checked my appearance in my full-length mirror when mom informed me that Marc was in the living room. I had worn a simple v-neck lace type black dress that stopped a couple of inches above my knees with some black red bottom pumps. Furthermore, I had curled my hair big and put only some mascara, eye shadow, and light shade red lipstick.

I took up my purse and put my handheld pistol in it. Likewise, I had made sure that I also had my pocket knife, some cash, ID, lipstick, and a pack of wipes in there as well before I headed downstairs to meet Marc so that we could hit the club. Dad had been extremely surprised that Dominic had asked me for my assistant in matters like this and mom kept telling me to be careful.

After we had left my home, we drove for maybe about 20 minutes before we were at INFERNO. Luckily there wasn't a long line outside, and we were able to get in as soon as we got there.

“I'm going to go sit at the bar, see if I can gather anything,” I had said to Marc. “Do you want anything?”

“No, I think I'll be fine for the time being, I just will be sitting over there in that corner nearby.” Marc shook his head.

“Now that won't look suspicious at all. A guy sitting by himself in a dark corner not even drinking a beer,” I replied sarcastically which caused Marc to chuckle.

“I'm getting you a beer, I'll be right back,” I said to him as I walked towards the bar.

“Hey, can I have a beer and a dirty Martini please?” I had used my British accent as I smiled at the bartender who was behind the counter.

“Sure thing beautiful.” the bartender replied before he placed a cold beer in front of me then my drink which he had made.

After I had paid him, I got up with both drinks as I headed over to where Marc was.

“Here you go sir, now you won't look so suspicious” I chuckled as I placed the beer on the table in front of him.

“Thank you, Lexi” Marc replied as he took a sip.

“Don't mention it,” I said to him. “I'm going back to sit at the bar for a while.”

I headed back to the bar and sat at the counter. I kept glancing around to see if I could get a glimpse of anyone that may look important and could possibly be the owner of this club since I had no idea who he was.

“Wow this place is amazing,” I said as I still used my British accent to the bartender who had come my way asking if everything was good.

In all honesty, I was just trying to see if he knew anything that would have slipped, although the place was indeed amazing.

“You're British right? First time here?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “It's nice here, the owner seemed to have gone all out”.

“Yeah, Mr. Cavelli sure does put his money to good used to perfect his businesses.” the bartender replied.

Mr. Cavelli, so that was his name. Well, that was progress.

“Does he come here often?” I asked.

“Sometimes. He shows up whenever he feels like it.” he shrugged.

“Oh,” I nodded, “Must be nice to own a club that seems to be so successful.”

I sat there for a couple more minutes in hopes that I would find out something else that could be useful when a guy came up beside me.

“Hey beautiful,” he said to me as he sat on the stool beside me and lean a bit too close to me.

“Hi,” I replied uninterested without even looking at him.

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