Chapter 2

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I woke up and found myself strapped down to a seat. I did a quick scan of my surroundings and realized that I was on a plane. Confused, I started to scream my lungs out only to have a hand covered my mouth.

"Hey calm down, you aren't being kidnapped or anything." A newly familiar voice said to me.

I turned my head to see who the person was and saw that it was the guy from earlier who I recognized as Nate. Suddenly everything came back to me, I remembered that I had run away from the homes. I also remembered me being in the alley behind the bar until Alphonso and two other guys came along. He had convinced me that he wasn't dangerous and that he wanted to help.

The last thing I remembered was that I trusted him and had followed them to the car. Alphonso had given me his jacket to wrap around myself because I was freezing. He told Miguel to turn on the heater in the car then proceeded to have a conversation with me. I remembered thinking, 'What is this? Twenty questions?'

Alphonso had asked my name and about my family, I had told him everything about what had happened. I wasn't sure why but I somehow confided in and trusted him.

I must have fallen asleep because I surely couldn't remember getting out of that car or getting on a plane.

"Where the hell am I!?" I yelled once Nate had removed his hand from over my mouth.

"Damn! You sure got a loudmouth on you" Nate covered his ears before he answered my actual question.

"You're on a plane obviously. We're on our way to New York." He replied.

"What?! New York?!" I shrieked which caused him to wince and covered his ears again.

"Stop shouting! The boss and his family live in the States, not London." He uncovered his ears and looked at me annoyed.

"Then where is he?" I looked around.

I could tell that we were definitely on a private jet or something because the only other person I saw other than Nate and I, was the other guy from last night-Miguel.

"We're on his private plane, he's in one of his cabins. Don't worry he'll be back out soon." He reassured me and I sighed as I tried to relaxed.

Like Nate had said before, Alphonso had returned from his cabin out to where we were. He asked me if I needed anything to eat or drink and if I was okay. I had wanted to say no but as much as I hated to admit, I was starving.

A few minutes later, we had landed and a car was there ready to take us to his house. We were soon pulled into a driveway of a beautiful two-story house and it was gorgeous.

"Alright, this is it. We're here." Alphonso had informed me. "It is just me, Kath and our son Dominic. Kath is excited to meet you, she has always wanted a daughter but that is a story for another day."

"It is beautiful." I told him sincerely.

"Come on, I believe you'll be more impressed with the inside." He said as he helped me out of the car.

As we entered the house, we were greeted by a very pretty lady with her light brown hair in a low ponytail. She had a very warm and friendly smile and judging by the way she had come and greeted her husband, you could tell she was very much in love with him and him with her.

She turned to me with a genuine smile.

"Hi, you must be Kathleen."

I nodded before smiling back at her. Something about this woman's smile and demeanour just melted me. "Hi."

"Oh my gosh, you're so beautiful." She said to me.

"Thank you, so are you." I smiled politely at her.

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