Chapter 25

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“Well, you look extremely busy.” I smiled and rolled my eyes.

I had learned a little Italian from living with Dad for a couple of years, but I wasn't quite sure what Gio had asked me though.

“What?” He furrowed his brows and gave me a confused look.

“Your buddy Lukey said you were busy,” I replied.

“Lukey?” He chuckled a bit, “Try not to let him hear you calling him that.”

“I can handle myself.” I smiled as I made my way over to where he was.

“Sure you can,” Gio replied sarcastically.

“You don't think I can?” I challenged.

“No, no. I believe you.” Gio replied, but I could tell he didn't believe me and was only humoring me.

“You better.” I smiled.

“Anyway, come over here.
, ” Gio waved me over, “You haven't had enough of me?”

“Don't be so sure of yourself.” I scoffed as I sat down beside him.

“Can't help it. I mean, why else would you be here? I thought I got a call that someone wanted to see me.” he said smugly.

“Okay. You got me. I was here, and I thought I could see you if you were here too. Is that a crime?”

“Hmm. So...” Gio said as he edged closer to me with a smug smile on his face. “What did you have in mind?”

“What?” I asked confused.

“For when you see me. What did you have in mind, for us to talk about or do once you see me?” Gio smiled as he put a hand on my thigh.

I looked at where he had his hand then back up to his face and caught him smirking a bit. Just looking at him and his lips made me wanted to kiss him, so I decided to be bold for once and go after what I wanted. I tried to put on my best thinking face before I replied.

“I'm not sure but just give me a few minutes to think about that,” I smirked back before I leaned in and kissed him.

Gio responded to my kiss as he used the hand he had on my thigh and pulled me closer to him, so I sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck for support while he slipped one hand up through my hair and cupped the back of my head while his other hand remained on my thigh.

When I was satisfied, I smiled then pulled away from his lips. By the look on Gio's face, I could tell he wasn't ready to stop just yet, which caused me to chuckle.

“So,” I began, “Tell me about you.”

“What do you want to know?” He asked.

“I don't know. Something that tells me who you are. I mean I'm here making out with you, yet I don't even know anything about you”.

“I don't know anything about you either,” Gio replied.

“Yeah I know, so why don't we change that?” I said as I slid off his lap back onto the couch.

“Okay. Ask me anything, I'll choose whether I want to reply to that question.”

“Seriously? Okay. So, what's your full name and how old are you?” I asked.

“Really? You're starting with those types of questions?” Gio asked which I just shrugged.

“Yes, I'm starting with those questions. Those are the basics, right?”

“Alright. My name is Giovanni Liam Cavelli. And I'm 27years old.”

“Go on.” I gestured for him to continue.

“I thought you were going to tell me about yourself now,” Gio said, “An answer for an answer.”

“Okay, my name is Alexia Kathleen Miller, and I'm 21years old.” I told him.

I wasn't going to tell him that my new name was Luciano in case he was indeed a part of another enemy mafia group and knew that name.

“Twenty-one? You're a baby,” Gio raised a brow and looked at me surprised. “You certainly act way more mature for your age.”

“I'm not a baby,” I chuckled, “And just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't be mature.”

“That wasn't what I meant.”

“I know.”

“So you're British?” Gio asked me.

“Yeah, I was born in London England but moved here a few years back,” I told him. “And you're Italian, right?”

“Yeah, I was born and raised in Italy but came here a few years ago as well and started the business,” Gio said.

“Oh, so what business do you do exactly except owning this club?”

“Well I happen to own a couple of hotels, restaurants as well as clubs around the country,” Gio replied. “You've probably heard of Fantastica Hotel or Silent Magic resort?”

“Wow, you own those?” I asked surprised to which he smiled and nodded.

“That's impressive, I'd like to have an expanded business like yours one day.” I told him.

It was true, I was very impressed. Fantastica hotel was one of the big-name hotels up there along with the ones Dominic and Dad owned. So basically Gio was a businessman just the same as Dominic.

“Well, are you still in university?” Gio asked.

“No, I finished early because I started high school early.” I told him.

“So what do you do now, what did you study?” Gio asked.

“I thought it was my turn to ask you a question.”

“Well, you didn't take the chance to do so, so I did.” Gio chuckled.

“That's cheating. Anyway, I'm currently the owner and manager of a restaurant in town, and I'm thinking to start another soon and I studied business administration and accounting in university.” I told him.

“Now that is impressive. How did you come to be the owner of a restaurant, instead of becoming an accountant, or you know, working in a company?”

“Well that's quite a long story, I'll have to tell you about it another time, but I can put both my business admin and accounting degree to good use in my restaurant business. And I like working for myself- being my own boss.” I told him.

“Wow, young, beautiful, smart, and independent,” Gio smiled impressed. “I like that.”

“Yeah, all those I am.” I chuckled.

Gio smiled as he sat there and just stared at me for a while. I have to admit that him doing that had definitely crept me out. I had also started to become a bit self-conscious.

“What? Why are you staring at me like that?” I finally asked.

“There's just something about you,” he replied as he continued to stare at me, “Are you sure you're from England?”

“What? Of course, why would you ask that?” I asked taken back by this question.

“At first when I met you, you were full-blown British accent. But tonight I noticed you just spend most of the night jumping in and out of a British accent, and you sounded pretty much American to me.” Gio said as he looked at me suspiciously.

My eyes widened as I suddenly discovered my slip-up once again. I had decided to use my British accent as a cover-up when I just went there but because I have managed to finally master the American accent I forgot about my British accent along the way. I just decided to come clean.

“About that,” I started as I looked at him sheepishly.

“I have a little confession to make.”

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