Chapter 36

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Gio's POV

I was sitting in my office when I got a call from Lexi asking me where I was. I was surprised to get that call since she was acting strange a few days before. After I had told her that I was at my office at the hotel, she just hung up on me. I really didn't understand her weird behaviour at all but decided that I would gave her time.

I still couldn't understand that call that I had gotten the other day. I still had no leads on exactly who had called me or whom they were referring to. My only guess was that maybe it had been a prank call from some stupid immature idiot who intended to got me riled up or something.
However, I had decided that I would not take it lightly. I still had my guys kept on eye on Lexi whenever she left her house and work just to made sure that she wasn't in any form of danger.

I was reviewing some documents about the performance of business when I heard a buzz over the intercom.

"Mr. Cavelli, there's a Lexi Miller here to see you. She doesn't have an appointment but she's insisting that you'd want to see her, should I send her away?" My secretary Stacey asked.

"No, send her in Stacey." I replied.

"Okay sir."

Soon enough Lexi had came through the door.

"Hey, surprised to see me?" She smiled.

"In fact I am. When you just called and asked me where I was then hung up, I was definitely not expecting a visit." I replied.

"Is this your decent way of telling me that you don't want me here?" Lexi asked.

"What? No, of course not." I replied quickly.

"I'm just messing with you." she chuckled.

She started walking around my office as she looked around and seemingly admired the interior, or at least that's what I believed she was doing. She proceeded in making a few small talks with me as I sat there trying to figure her out. I  watched her intensely. I had noticed that she kept her distance from me since she had arrived. After she had pleased herself with her admiration or viewing of my office, she finally turned back to me.

"Wow, nice office." she said to me.

"Well thank you." I smiled at her as I leaned back in my chair still watching her intensely.

"You're welcome," she smiled, "Why are looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I asked feigning innocent.

"Like you're trying to analyse me or something or as if I've done something wrong." she replied.

"Sorry, its just that you've been in here for more than ten minutes now but you've kept your distance from me ever since. I mean you're way over there and I'm way over here. So I'm trying to figure out what's wrong. Bored with me already?" I said playfully even though I was serious about what I had asked.

"Maybe I was just enjoying the view of you from over here, besides you look hot behind a desk." she smiled at me as she made her way over to where I sat.

"Is that so?" I smirked at her as she came and stood directly in front me.

"Yeah, most definitely." she replied before she straddled my lap and  started kissing me.

I placed my hands on both of her thighs as I returned her kisses. Her arms were around my neck and her fingers were ran through my hair. We were so caught up making out that we didn't even paid much attention to anything else until the door flew opened.

"Excuse me?" We stopped immediately when that voice spoke. It was my secretary.

I looked over Lexi's shoulders and saw Stacey my secretary standing there at the door with some files and a tablet in her hands.

"Mr.Cavelli I'm so sorry, I was buzzing you and knocked but didn't hear any reply. I thought something may have happened to you." Stacey said quickly.

"What is it Stacey?" I asked as I held Lexi in place on my lap.

"There's a Mr.Guliani here to see you, he said he doesn't have an appointment but that I should let you know he's here. That you'll want to see him." Stacey said looking a bit annoyed.

"Thank you Stacey, I'll be right there." I said to her.

"Okay sir." Stacey replied then went out the door.

"I guess its time I let you go then." Lexi said as she placed one last kiss on my lips then got up from off office my lap.

"And by the way, your secretary hates me." she chuckled.

"Why would she hate you?" I asked confused as I had gotten why she had said that.

"You tell me." she smirked at me.

"I know what you're thinking, and no. Stacey and I have never been involved anyway other than professionally." I told her.

"Well if you say so, Mr. Cavelli." she teased as she tried to obviously mimicked Stacey's voice.

"Stop it." I chuckled then stood up as well. "You don't have anywhere else important to be today, do you?"

"Well no, today was kind of like my day off." she replied. "Why? Trying to get rid of me already?"

"Well how about waiting for me here or in my penthouse until I'm done. I promise you I won't be long." I said to her.

"Okay, I guess I could do that." she smiled at me.

"And sleep over too?" I asked.

"I don't know, I haven't got any other clothes here beside these" she gestured to the clothes she had on.

"Don't worry about that, just say yes." I said before I added, "Please?"

"Oh. Alright," she finally agreed. "I'll stay over."

"Good. Now come on I'll escort you up to my penthouse suite."

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