Chapter 26

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I was awakened only to discovered that I wasn't in my soft big bed nor was I in my familiar room. In a bit, if a loop. I had fallen asleep on the couch with Gio the night before. I realized that I must have used his chest as a pillow because that area of his shirt was wrinkled. The night before, I had told Gio about me truly being British but have mastered the art of talking like a normal American because I wanted to dot in. We had spent more time talking and getting to know each other. It had gotten extremely late, and I was so tired that I fell asleep on Gio's chest without realizing it.

“Oh, hi morning.” I smiled at him.

“I thought you were going to make a run for it a couple of seconds ago.” Gio chuckled.

“Yeah, I actually was. I was frightened when I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Thought I might have gotten kidnapped or something.” I replied with a sheepish smile.

“Kidnapped?” Gio raised his eyebrows at me.

“Yeah, don't worry. Just the effect of me not being fully awake and finding myself in a not-so-familiar room.” I shrugged.

“Well, I haven't kidnapped you,” Gio chuckled before adding, “Yet.”

“Okay then, I think I better go.” I got up as I feigned being scared by his words.

“Lexi, I'm kidding.” Gio laughed as he took hold of my hand and pulled me back down.

“What do you say about me taking you out later? Get to know you some more. I doubt I've learned everyone about you last night.”

“You want to take me out? Where?” I asked surprised.

“Just give me the answer I need, and you'll see.” Gio smiled and winked.

“Is this your plan to kidnapped me?” I laughed.

“No, don't worry. I'm not going to kidnap you just yet. No one is going to be reporting you missing for now.” Gio chuckled.

“Oh my God.” I panicked suddenly as something came to my mind.

I quickly got my bag and dug inside. I didn't return home the night before or called to let my family know that I was okay, and I just knew that they were probably flipping out.

“What's wrong?” Gio looked at me cautiously and concerned.

“They're probably freaking out,” I replied before I dialed mom's number and put the phone to my ear.

“Lexi, where the hell are you? You have us worried sick that something may have happened to you.” That was the first thing mom said as she picked up the phone.

“I know, I know. I'm sorry I didn't call, it just slipped me.” I responded.

“Are you alright? Your father was starting to freak out. He was about to create havoc when he found out you weren't here.” Mom said.

“Sorry, let him know that I'm okay and not to worry, but I'll be home soon alright.”

“Alright,” mom sighed, “Lexi you're going to be the death of us.”

“I'll be there soon okay mom.” I replied before I hung up and let out a sigh of relief.

“Is everything alright?” Gio asked from behind me. I almost forgot that he was in the room with me.

“Yeah, everything is fine. Just that my parents were getting a bit worried when I didn't show up or called last night.” I smiled.

“You still live with them, I presumed.”

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